The Mis-hap - Chapter Three - The Honeymoon

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A couple of days on your honeymoon

"WHERE ARE YOU MY BOGGINESS!" You said. You wandered around the hotel apartment looking for you hubby. You couldn't find him. 'Is he dead? Was he kidnapped by the baddy waddies trying to be with me? IMANA BASH WHOEVER TOUCHED HIM! SOME KIDS GONNA DIE TODAY!' You thought to your self. You got changed into some simple clothes and flew out of your balcony window. You few above the town searching. You went back to your room and saw him covered in scratches and his clothes covered in blood.

"Y|N I am sorry, some dwarfies took me, they took me ito the backof a bar and BASHED ME!" You looked devastated, and ran out. You were going to find that person, you were going to kill the person..... BUT you then were thirsty so you left Boggy to go get some starbucks. 

Boggy ran after you. "HAHA IT WAS A PRANK!" Bog king was laughing hysterically!

YOU WERE ANGRY! Y|N wanted to jump at him and kill him, except he was your husband. You were angry at him but didn't want to scream. You were tired and slept still in Starbucks and believed it was tomorrows problem.

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