The beginning

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'Hey homeboy! Loosen up! You're gonna need a place to crash too."
Vegeta scoffed.
"Hey why don't you just drop the arrogant tough guy act and relax, let it all go, take a vacation for goodness sake! Unwind a little and see what life has to offer you! You're actually kinda cute ah-haha!"
The giggle that came after it accompanied by that phrase made Vegeta angry. He scoffed. "Uh what!? I'm not kinda...shut up!"
He rolled his eyes and the conversation ran through his head. Almost a year later and the blue hair spitfire was still just as annoying as she was when he had the displeasure of meeting her. He only took her up on the offer to stay with her because she has a anti-gravity room where he could train all he wants. Her parents weren't bad either though. Her father is a smart man and her mother can cook and keep up with his intense Saiyan eating habits. The blue haired girl, Bulma, is definitely annoying. Though he likes having someone to fight with. She's loud and has a short temper so Vegeta gets daily arguments from her. At least there's a little entertainment. He could hear her yelling about something and he rolled his eyes. Suddenly a loud crash sounded and she screamed. The gravity room shut off as result to her scream and he fell to the ground. He growled and got up, storming to the room.
"WOMAN! What is all this noise!? I am trying to focus!" He snapped.
She stood there, a little cloud of black smoke coming from a broken bot beside her.
She pushed her hair back and scoffed. "Hello to you to Vegeta."
"Well? What's all the damn noise? Why did you scream?"
"A bot exploded while I was trying to fix it."
"That's all?" He huffed. "Humans are so weak."
"Well Vegeta we can't all be able to shoot a Ki blast through something and that be the end of it. If my face had been close to it when it exploded, I could have gotten flames across my face, ending in third degree burns."
Vegeta rolled his eyes, crossing his arms across his chest. He realized he needed a shower, he was sweaty from training. He had been in the middle of a very intense workout session, suspended upside down, trying to feel his surroundings. He shook his head. "Well I can't focus anymore after all that so I need a shower. Run me some water woman."
Her face grew an angry red.
"Listen you arrogant jerk, I've told you before, I'm not your maid! You want bath water ran you do it yourself!"
Vegeta chuckled. When would she realize that he just said those things to piss her off?
"Then I expect my clothes laid out for me and dinner on the table when I get out."
He ducked and snickered as he flew out of the room. He heard the heavy metal wrench, that she'd thrown at his head, crash against the steel wall. He stepped into the shower and sighed, closing his eyes. Bulma's face popped up behind his eyelids. He liked making her angry. It made her more attractive. She reminded him of Saiyan women. Strong-willed.
His eyes snapped open. NO! He grunted and resisted the urge to punch the shower wall. He wasn't admitting anything, not even to himself. He was not getting attached to the human woman! He was Vegeta, prince of all Saiyans. He didn't get attached to anyone, especially not humans! And especially not HER.
When got out of the shower he dried off and found some sweat pants, then made his way to the kitchen.
He found some ramen sitting at the table with a note labeled "here, you asshole."
He laughed out loud. She was so fun to make angry. On the way back to his room he ran into her. "Armor done yet woman?"
She ignored him.
She continued to ignore him.
He grew angry. No one dared to ignore him.
"Is it done or not?!" He shouted.
"Until you can call me by my name, you'll get nothing out of me." She said nonchalantly as she walked by.
Fine. She wanted to play that game, well he could play as well. He nodded then turned into his room.
He slammed the door. God she infuriated him. 'But that's why you're attracted to her.' a voice in the back of his head rasped. 'stop pretending. You'll never get anywhere with her if you continue to be a jackass. She isn't a slave to you. You want to make her your mate. This isn't how your father would have allowed you to act!'
He growled. No one fucking knew anything about how his father would have let him act! His father sold him off with a terrible being named Frieza. He shook his head. But then the voice said softly "think about how your mother would think of you acting this way."
The anger left his body and his shoulders sagged. He threw himself onto the bed and groaned. Why did he allow himself to grow attached to the loud, angry, beautiful blue haired human girl? He fell asleep with that thought on his mind. When he awoke he decided to be nicer. To listen to her more, even if it squashed his pride.

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