Chapter VII | Confessions

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Jaycer's POV

September 24, 2018


I need to say him what I know. It's about Franciz, his best bro. He's the guy on my roommates wallpaper! Shit, I can't sleep, I need to talk to him about this so bad. My roommate and Trevor's friend have a past. I can't contact him since this morning. Shit, I should have said this to Trevor since that Franciz sat with us. I told myself I knew him. That he's familiar. And there it is he's the guy on the wallpaper of my roommate.

Trevor's POV

After a few punches and yelling I did to Franciz I finally controlled my temper. But the things I did is just mixed with joke. It ain't personal or real. It isn't painful. No bruises can be found on that jerks' body. It's just a playful fight.

Anyway here we are walking on the shore, carrying our flipflops. Towels on our shoulder.

"Oww, this arm hurts." Franciz groaned then rubs his arm and pretends to be in pain.

"Shut it." I said, not even bothering to look.

"But it really hurts." Then I finally turned to him then glared at him.

"-sigh- lemme see that arm." I sighed then grabbed for his arms. But when I got his arm he suddenly pulled me for a hug. Ahh!!!

"Thank you." He said seriously.

"For what?" I said then I slowly hugged my arms to his back.

"For this."

"Huh?" Then... then... then... then... then... he kissed me. WAAH! OMAYGAD! I KENAT! WAAAAAH!

My heart is gonna explode from all the emotions I'm experiencing right now.

Franciz's POV

I can't control myself anymore. I kissed him already. It's over. I already welcomed myself to the LGBT Community. I have finally accepted who I really are.

"Franciz, why are you doing this?" He asked me, I can see his worry in his eyes.

"I'm bisexual." I said.

"I figured it out the night before I broke up with Cassy."


"My ex-girlfriend. Jaycer's roommate." I can see that Trevor is shocked to hear that. His eyes are round. His face is in disbelief.

"I'm bisexual, too." He confessed.

"Wait, what, really?" I can't tell if he's just teasing me or in any moment now he'll laugh. But...

"Yes. I accepted myself when I was in 3rd grade." I was happy and surprised to hear that.

So I kissed him again but with feelings this time then he kissed me back, too.

He's the one who ended the kiss. He's going to say something.

"But, what now?" He asked.

"Are you sure you're bisexual? Or you're just making this up because you pity me." I was surprised to hear that.

"No, the day we met at the suite is the time that I had feelings for you." I explained.

"I broke up with Cassy because my mind is pretty filled up with all the processing I need. My emotions take me over, so I decided to break up with her." I explained, hoping it will sink in to Trevor's mind.

"How did you find out you are bisexual?" He asked me.

"There's this guy I sat beside on a bus the way here last 3 months ago. And he's good looking. We talked for a few minutes but I decided to stop, I felt flattered. I know it was wrong, I have a girlfriend that day. So I pretend to sleep. I searched the internet if it's normal for a straight guy to be flattered on another guy and it says it may be because you're becoming bisexual." I explained.

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