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I never believed in miracles Until my eyes saw you

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I never believed in miracles
Until my eyes saw you


It was the night before the Coronation and Jimin still hasn't approached Taehyung how as per his plan he should have by now. The prince was turning impatient now, he was wondering if it was a wrong move the made Jimin go farther than riling him up. Jimin's behaviour wasn't giving up anything either. He still ignored their existence and talked formally when he had to.

Jungkook on the other hand had no idea about the plan. He thought they were going to leave for real then there would be no way they could get Jimin back .So he decided he would try one last time before leaving it all on fate.

After dinner when everyone started leaving for their rooms, Jungkook stayed back until everyone was out. It was just him ,Taehyung and Jimin who surprisingly hadn't left were the only people left their apart from the servants.

Jimin briefly looked at the two before getting up awkwardly and moving towards the exit . Jungkook's eyes never left the boy until he was out of the door. Taehyung kept looking between the two distressed .

'Jung- " before Taehyung could speak Jungkook got to his feet and disappeared within the blink of an eye.

" Oh no!" Taehyung cursed before running out of the door. He knew where Jungkook went and it could turn into a disaster for all he knew.

Jimin quickly walked towards his room as soon as he left the dining hall . He was about to turn a hallway when he was suddenly pulled into a dark room and slammed against a wall.

No no not this again. Please no. Jimin squeezed his eyes shut and started praying in his mind. The situation was so familiar it almost made his legs go weak and he wanted to cry out loud for help but no words came out .

"Open your eyes ,Jimin" a familiar voice whispered as a hand gently touched Jimin's cheek. Jimin leaned into the touch as his shoulders relaxed and he opened his eyes to meet the midnight black eyes. Jimin could have cried in relief when he saw those eyes, the eyes that always found him whenever he reached out for help .

" Let me go" Jimin hardened his voice as he came back to his senses and Jungkook's grip tightened on his shoulder.

" No you are not going anywhere until i'm done talking " Jungkook said and Jimin glared at him his eyes turning into shinny hazel from the usual brown. The black haired boy stared back with equal intensity refusing to be intimidated by those pretty eyes.

" Why did you leave that day so suddenly?" Jungkook asked , his black eyes boring into the hazel eyes but Jimin kept his jaw clenched refusing to utter a word. Jungkook let out a loud sigh and shut his eyes briefly before speaking again.

" Look, I don't know what we did to make you hate us so much but please give us a chance to prove ourselves . We -" Suddenly the door burst open and a bewildered Taehyung stumbled into the room. He looked at Jungkook and then at Jimin who was caged between the taller's arms.

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