Chapter 7: Deep Sea-Cavern Exploration

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Atronac had composed a song about 4546B as he drove his seaglide into a tunnel at the bottom of the grassy plains. The passage was faintly lit by purple bioluminescent mushrooms and stinging vines.

In the deepness you will find your way

Unless you're eaten by a crab monster

He was currently working on line three, which went something like "or a giant volcano or a tunneling fish or a bomb fish or some horrific leviathan demon fish" when the tunnel ended and he entered a huge chasm.

"Whoa," he said sagely as he piloted the seaglide in, gently.

The cave really was big. Like, really big. Luminsecent mushrooms the size of houses gave off a purple glow, faintly outlining the walls of the cavern. A large reef of black coral shells decorated the bottom of the cave. Mushrooms sprouted out of them.

As Atronac drove the seaglide down to only a few meters above the mushroom, he noticed the cavern's roof was a forest of giant stalactites, reminding him uncomfortably of giant fangs closing in on him.

He tried to put this thought out of his mind. Taking out his scanner, he pointed it at the giant mushrooms.

"Jellyshroom; a life-form unique to a microcosm located in a cave system deep within the grassy plateaus, where a high concentration of carnivorous lifeforms wards off smaller predators. Consists of a trunk-like base and a fragile, purple membrane. This membrane seems vulnerable to attack, but -"

Atronac switched it off. He didn't need to know everything about these 'jellyshrooms', especially where mysteries were involved. He thought he saw something wriggling inside of the jellyshroom, but quickly put this thought out of his mind.

A sharp swishing noise made him jump. Whipping around, he took out a knife and swiped at... a small, red, piranha-like fish. It had four light blue eyes that glared at him in an unfriendly fashion. A single bioluminescent esca stuck out of its forehead, with a blue glow. Atronac thought it would almost be cute, if it didn't look so angry.

Suddenly, it leapt at him, opening its jaws to reveal rows of teeth like needles. It bit into his arm, ripping through his suit and drawing blood. Atronac yelled and yanked his arm, but the creature held in tight.

"Biter," called the AI. "Vicious, pack-hunting predator. 94% muscle, 4% connective tissue, 2% brain. Indiscriminate when hungry. Almost always hungry."

"NOT helpful!" yelled Atronac. He whacked his arm, and by extension the Biter, into his seaglide. Perhaps not one of his smarter moves, but he freaked out when he was attacked.

In a spray of bubbles and electricity, a panel of the seaglide fell off, shocking the Biter and his arm. It felt like a whip, and he was momentarily blinded by bubbles and smoke. Then something hit him in the back of the head, and he passed out.

Seconds later, he came to. His vision was blurry, and it was a dark cave, so he couldn't see anything for a minute or two.

"Analyzing injuries." the AI beeped for a second. "Blood wound. Minor concussion. Seek medical help when possible."

"What the..." Atronac mumbled. He coughed up some seawater.



"Assessing seaglide and suit damage." Beeps again. "Seaglide damage: moderate. Suit damage: minor. Small crack in mask. Right arm fabric ripped. "

Atronac shot out of his stupor. Mask crack? He yanked his flashlight out and looked around. His heart stopped for a second.

Shards of metal and wires slowly sank around him. The Biter was now a fried carcass latched onto his right arm, with smoky bubbles coming out of its mouth. He saw the broken seaglide meters down on the floor of the cavern.

And in front of him, snaking out of a jellyshroom, with pincers clicking, was a massive red worm, ten meters long. It circled him, staring at him despite not having... eyes.

Oh Moon Mothers, thought Atronac.

And then the creature lunged.

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