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 Chapter 5

Gale and I have been at the library for quite some time now and while I've been trying to study and get some work done Gale has been bothering me about all the parties we have to attend this week. 

Don't get me wrong I'm not the one to say no to a party. One of the things that I love doing is going out and dancing, but since I'm trying to focus more on school, partying isn't the best thing to do right now. I'm maybe exaggerating a bit, one or two parties won't hurt, since I'm only young once. I want to remember my youth being full of memories and zero regrets, and studying my ass off isn't the only memory I want to have from the best years of my life. I was just about to tell Gale that I changed my mind about the parties and saw his mouth, almost literally, down on the floor and his eyes focused on something behind me. 

''Mason.'' I hear gale gasp. 

I turn around and see Mason and Carter on their way to our table. This can't possibly go well, I glare angrily at Carter hoping he'll let Mason approach us alone. The glaring attempt was useless and they are only a few feet away now. I turn around to see how Gale is doing and to my surprise, he looks normal and his mouth no longer on the floor. That's right, show him the strong confident Gale I know. 

''Gale, we need to talk,'' Mason demands, and Gale only nods. They sure do have a lot to talk about. 

''You heard him, Wright, now pick your big self up and get gone.'' Carter remarks and I feel the sting in my chest. Big self up, that's low, even for him.

''Shut the fuck up carter, the only thing big here is your ego and I don't get why since your little friend between your legs is the size of my fucking pinky finger,'' Gale shouts out as he jumps out of his chair ready to attack Carter any second. He knows that subject is a sensitive one to me and to see him stand up for me, like this, against Carter Stone, really warms my heart. Just as Carter was about to attack Gale the librarian, Ms. rose, came, and let me tell you, she was furious. 

''If you don't collect your things and immediately get out I will call the school security. You got 2 minutes.'' Ms. Rose threatens, her face only getting redder from the anger. 

I mumble sorry and we gather our things and quickly head out. I don't like attention and certainly not this kind of attention.

 Embarrassment. Everyone was looking at us, my hate for Carter growing stronger every minute, if not every second after this humiliating incident. Why can't he just leave me alone? Clearly, our families have history, and not good history, why can't we just know that we don't like each other and then just stay away from one another? He is making my life a living hell and if he keeps poking me I will explode. I'm not one to sit around and stay quite, and assuredly not someone you provoke without a reaction. 

''Nobody is fighting, okay Carter? you kind of brought it up on your self, you know how close the two of them are.'' I hear Mason whisper to Carter as soon as we get out of the library. He better not lay a single finger on Gale, because I will attack him. 

''Gale, I've been looking for you ever since I heard from Carter that he saw you.'' Mason calmly confesses as he looks worried about what Gale will respond. Ugh, the two of them, why can't they just be together and love each other like normal people? Does love always have to be this complicated?

''Well, you found me,'' Gale answers as if he is unbothered, but I know him and he is clearly freaking out. When I study Mason I can see that he knows what effect he has on my best friend. 

''Well I was wondering two things actually, first one is  if I can take you out on a date and maybe if the two of you want to come to a party that my friend is throwing tonight?'' 

As I answer no Gale answers, yes and we end up glaring at each other, neither one of us planning on giving in. I give up and say yes too, knowing he would do this for me if the roles were reversed. 

''Great, I'll text you the address, we can talk about the date tonight at the party.'' Mason beams, and I can tell Gale is just as happy. I turn my attention to Carter who is standing and looking uninterested over the scene that is playing out in front of us. Of course, he looks so bored, he has probably never felt love in his loathing life, and I'm not sure he ever will with that behavior of his. 

I study myself in the small dusty mirror we have in our dorm. Am I really that big? I mean I'm not the skinniest nor am I near huge, but even if I was, his mean comment wasn't necessary.

 Carter Stones remark got me standing in front of an old mirror second guessing myself, what's wrong with me? Why can't I be secure in myself and love everything, even the flaws? My biggest complex has always been my weight, I have a figure where my thighs are thick and my stomach flat, a simple explanation would be curvy but after his input maybe I'm not curvy, just fat. I'll make sure to eat more green food and less food that contain too many calories. 

''If you don't get your pretty-Kim-k-wishing-she-had-a-body-like-yours-naturally-ass away from that shitty mirror and stop second guessing your self I'll beat your sense back and trust me, you don't want that.'' Gale states as he enters the dorm and I break out in a laugh. 

''You know you're not fat Autumn, he is only saying that to get to you and by the looks of it, he has.''

''Yeah well, I wish he would just leave me alone. I never say anything to him, he is always coming for me, I don't get why.'' I say in frustration. He really is getting to me, and I don't like it, one bit. 

''You're right, but try ignoring him, maybe he'll back off?'' Gale suggests and when I think about it, he may be right. Ignoring Carter will probably get him off my back. 

''Good thinking, I'll defiantly do everything in my power to ignore him, but I have a limit.'' A limit I'm hoping he won't cross. 

''Enough talking about that douchebag, we need to find ourselves an outfit for tonight!'' Gales exclaims. The party, I forgot about that, that means I'm going to have to see that jerk again.  


New chapter up wohoooo! 

Gale is the best friend we all wished we had am I right? Finally, Mason shows up and hopefully everything will go their way <3... and what do you guys think will happen at the party?;)

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