When one is thinking about home, the first word to come into their mind is warmth. Not just the physical warmth of a fire or a heater, but the emotional one as well. Granted, there might be some arguing too, some bickering, but that's normal. We get used to that cocoon of safety and happiness we feel everytime we get home.
Maybe we even take it for granted.
Did you take it for granted? Cause some people do and then they forget what's actually so important about family and a real, actual home.
Some people never actually get the chance at a place like that. They feel like home is just another hell you have to go through. Some prefer staying at school til evening breaks, some try to sleep at friend's for as many times as possible.
Some feel like they don't exist at home. Which is actually even more upsetting -- who'd like to feel forgotten by their own parents. They'd be lost in this world, without anything to hold on to.
But sometimes, these people find something. Someone. Someone they can cling to when they're desperate, who doesn't turn them away. Luke Cassil's and Alexander's friendship was slowly developing into that direction.
"Come on, let's get you home."
Alexander's words were meaningless but gentle, as he put his arm around Luke's shoulders, guiding him towards his bike. He was radiating a warmth Luke was missing and he immediately dropped against Alexander's shoulder, trying to control his trembling. It wasn't just cold or shock making his body shake so violently, it was the boiling anger and flushing sadness inside him as well. He couldn't recall ever feeling this incredibly sad and desperate.
"Hey, Luke," Alexander's whispered words reached his ear and he perked up. "You okay? Apart form the obvious, I mean?"
Luke shook his head. "I don't think so," he said and sighed. "It doesn't matter though. I'll be fine after I got some rest. See you tomorrow in school?"
"Oh the hell I'm gonna let you go home alone in that state," Alec contradicted. "No, no, that's not gonna happen. C'mon, get on my bike. I'll drive you home, just give me the address."
Luke frowned. Again, he could not remember when someone had done something that nice for him. It must have been a long time back then, maybe even before primary school. He passed the adress onto Alec and he nodded, kicking in his bike, before giving Luke a short nod. Luke frowned but followed his orders, climbing onto the bike until he was sitting right in front of Alexander. He could feel his hot breath in his neck when Alec put his arms around him and started the bike. Luke was now safely tucked in between Alec's arms, driving him towards home. And if it wasn't for the dead girl at school, Luke might have been happy about that fact. But of course, the universe seemed to hate him.
This night didn't start the way Luke wanted them to, either. When they arrived at their shitty place, his Dad was drunk again, screaming at the television, Mum standing in the kitchen making the laundry with a scared look on her face. She looked up when Luke stepped inside.
"Oh dear," she whispered and rushed towards him, "Honey, are you okay?"
"I'm fine," Luke said. The boys didn't hit him in his face -- they never do, it's a typical way of preventing any actual consequences --, and so he could lie easily. "I'm just tired, Mum. And things at school aren't exactly great at the moment."
"I understand." Her eyes were soft. Then she looked at the boy behind him, who had entered the kitchen halfway, standing somewhat self-conscious in the frame, arms crossed in front of his body. "Who's this, honey? A friend?"
"Yes, yes, a friend," Luke rushed to say, "His name is Alec."
Alec reached out a hand. "It's very nice to make your acquantaince."

The Tragedy of Evil
General FictionLuke hasn't always been what people call him now-adays. He used to be a normal kid with normal problems ... or not. But he worked through, until things exalerated. In fact, he'd never been evil. He'd just always been misunderstood. CAREFUL!!! This s...