7 minutes

183 1 3

Ater we had eaten we decided to play spin the bottle truth or dare again

"ok but no tears this time" caitlin says seriously

louis looked at me apoligetically and i leaned into his shoulder him pullin me in tight before releasing me

"ok me first" i span the bottle and it landed on louis wo was sat on my right and niall on my lleft so he dared him niall thought long and hard about this

" 7 minutes in heaven with maisie" he shouted

"ok" me and louis chanted happily walking up to my bed room and shutting the door

I placed a bit of blue tac over the key hole so nobody AKA harry couldnt look in.

Louis kissed me straight away it was hot and full of lust i pulled him by his shirt collar and we fell on the bed my arms wrapped around his knech and kissing his muscular six pack through his shirt he pulled my top down slightly befor kissing me hard his lips tacing mine as he bite my lip softly and then the timer rang out

" oh god" louis shouted sounded fustrated I just laughed and grabbed his hand as we walked out of my room smoothing each others hair down

"god where you load enough" caitlin laughed

we sat back down and decided just to go in a circle

" my turn to dare" i giggled evily

"oh god" caitlin says mimiking louis in the x-factor video diary 4

"recieve a kicky from liam" before anyone had a chance liam was sucking on caitlin's kneck he pulled away a few minutes later to find a huge red purple mark on her kneck

"shit my mum might see it" caitlin yelled we all laughed and carried on

"my turn to dare liam" louis laughed his hand onmy waist making smile

"give caitlin your gum without using your hands" liam smiled and went in to kiss caitlin slipping the gum past her now pale lips

"ok caitlin you dare niall" we laughed

"give maisie a piggyback round the circle" louis looked sad but smaked my arse whn i got up and lifted me onto nialls back my pushing my bum niall ran round and dropped me on louis by accident

"oww" i screamed banging my head on louis knee

"omg im so sorry moo" niall said sitting back down louis lifted me up kissing me head where i hit it as i kissed his knee better

"dont worry niall" i laughed begining to get a headache

"ok my turn to dare zayn" liam shouted happily

"i dare you let us draw a monobrow on you" liam laughed evily

"" noo my looks" zayn moaned as harry pinned him down drawing a monobrow on him withmy brown eyeliner he looked like the evil baby from the simpsons we all fell about laughing as zayn covered his face with his hands

"ok harry i dare you to swap clothes with maisie right here"

"oh god" in sighed louis stood up as i got changed behind him i took of my moustache top and handed it to me as he passed me his ramones top we swapped trousers quickly as harry sat down louis gave me a kiss before we sat down i looked at harry and chuckled the clothes id given him obviously to small

"ok zayn you have to dare moo" louis said obviously hoping it invoulved him aswell

"ok i dare you to lick some whipped cream of louis tounge"

" ill get the cream harry shouted excitedly running to the kitchen

i look at louis as he smiles a croocked smile and harry runs back in with the squirt cream can chucking it at me i squirt a little mound of it on louis tounge before kissing him my tounge wipping over his collection the cream we finished our kiss and pulled away as i smiled into a day dream

"lick maisie belly button" niall shouts

" what im way to fat" i scream

" no your not babe your perfect" louis says laying my down

i know i am fat but i just breath in and rest my head on zayns lap as i feel louis warm soft tounge tickle over my belly i start to giggle and louis pulles away

"i love you lou" i say sitting up him engoulfing his hand in mine 

"love you to baby" he said kissing my hand

"ok last dare im tired" i yell restin my head on louis shoulder caitlin was doing the same with liam 

"ok caitlin i dare you to demonstrate your favourite sex position to liam"

"ok" caitlin laughed nervously as we left the room not wanting to see we went back in MOMENTS later to find them kissing 

" aww thats so sweet" i yelled as louis grabbed me and did the same 

"ok bed time" i shouted as louis pulled away they all laughed at me thinking that louis had just turned me on so i wanted to do someting else in bed

"shutup" i shouted sarcastically as liam and caitlin headed to the door to go back to louis's house 

"dont fuck in my bed" he shouted

the boys went into my spare room and me and louis walked up the staires to my room louis didnt have any cloothes to wear as i put his top on so he just got into bed naked with me in his stripy top from that day louis rolled over to face me and pulled me into a hug

"louis your naked" i said half laughing half shocked

"i always sleep naked" he giggled 

 I could feel his body close to mine as he kissed my side next to my boob making me melt in his arms after about 30 minutes of bliss we lay there panting i kissed his nose and wrapped myself around him he squeezed me and i fell asleep in his arms something i had always dreamed of


I woke up in the night crying for some reason i couldnt remember what i had dreamt about i knew it was bad i felt distant from louis him lying asleep on the other side of the bed his breathing loud i budged up to him and grabbed his chest holding him tightly i was never letting go of him he was what i had dreamt i dreamt he left me in the night but he had'nt he was right here i kissed his body and wrapped my fingers behind his back he woke up 

"maisie whats wrong" he asked concerned

"promise you will never let me go" i whispered stutering from the tears

"I promise babe" he said softly unlinking my hands and holding them 

" i love you moo"

i turned to him and he spooned me ( lol ahh spoon) as i feel asleep his arms over my belly 

hey hope u liked this chapter i think its cute and awww and thankyou caitlin for being there for me when noone else has yeh were bezzies pinyapple x

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