Trouble Maker

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Hello anyone reading this. This is my first book, so just bear with me. Sorry for any spelling mistakes. Comment any ideas on who should look like some of the boys in here. Thx 4 reading.

        "Where the hell is she!?"

        Damn, i got caught. Currently I'm hiding in my most best-est of friends Jase's closet with a baseball ball bat ready for attack. Yup i must be an idiot if i think a piece of wood would really protect me from an angry werewolf. Jase in unknowingly protecting me cause he doesn't even know whats happening. Or that im playing ninja in his closet, hehehe.

         Well, see, i kinda put fire crackers in Taylor's toilet hoping to burn his ass. Fucking asshole deserved it. Why, you may ask? He ate the last of my cookie dough ice cream.

        Shit, i almost forgot. I also put the last of my different colored hair dye in his shampoo bottle. Lucky bastard, that shit was expensive.

        "Who and why? Its too early for your shit Taylor." i heard Jase grumble. Hes never been one for early mornings. I could just imagine his black hair going in every diffection. I could hear Taylor pacing near the side of the bed. How long is this asshole going to keep pacing? And why isnt he answering? Probobly trying to see if I would run to Jace for help.

        Im making a run for it. Slowly I open and and tip toe past a sleeping Jase. He always sleeps hugging something, like a pillow. Its just so cute! Of course not if your the thing hes hugging.

        "Where the hell do you think your going." i hear from behind me.

        "Shit. Fucking karma." i mumble. 

         I turned and gave him my most innocent smile and tried not to chuckle at the look of his hair. His usual dirty blond hair was now blue and red. How the hell will I get out of this one?

        "Oh my god, Taylor. Did a raibow puke on you?" i asked. I was a pretty good actor if i do say so my self. "And wheres Adrian and Jude?" i finished.        

        Adrian and Jude were some of the people of our little group. Adrian has blond hair and blue eyes whlie Jude has brown hair and hazel eyes. There was also Taylor with the now blue and red hair, courtesy of moi, and blue eyes. And Jace with black eyes and brown eyes. Then there was me with black hair and silver eyes, the last of our trio-plus-two. What do you even call that? A five-o?

        Taylor hobbles twoards me, pulling me out of my thoughts,I guess my prank worked! Cue evil laugh here. Well, i guess im evil. I slowly back up twoards the door. Not from fear, im just being cautious 'cause an anygry werewolf is no good. Damn, a slighty upset werewolfs were bad but most learned to control their anger.

         "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU BOTH DOING IN MY ROOM?!?" Jace asks from the bed. Bless his soul for speaking up at the right moment. I reach out and pull Jace out of bed and tossed him in front of me, using him as a shield against godzilla- i mean Taylor.

        "Jace, he was going to hit me. I didnt even do anything! It was all Adrian!" i said while pulling out the scared act. Suckers.

        "Shes lying! Look what she did to my hair! She even tried to fry my ass!" Taylor fummed and hobbled closer. 

        I was shocked. Could he not tell that i acually DID fry his greedy ass. "Acually, by the looks of it i did manage to fry your sorry ass!" i commented. Come on Taylor, come closer.

        "Did you not hear that?! She confessed. She fucking confessed!" he nearly yelled. Why did he feel the need to yell in the morning? The world may never know. Ha i am on a roll today, first my pranks and now this?

        Taylor came even closer. Perfect, now all i need was a distraction.

        "OMG!!!" i yelled. They both turned twoards me with worried faces.

        "What?!" they both asked, slighhtly curious.

        "I just realized," i started. They both urged me on to finish. "OMG!!!" i repeated. Both of them gave me and each another confused glaces, wondering at that i was getting at. I grabbed Jace and pushed him out twoards Taylor, they were on the floor in a matter of seconds.

        "That im a fucking genious, motherfuckers!" i finished. I ran out the door to get to safty, but not before i heard their colorful promoises. Well, challenge accepted.





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