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        "Shut the hell up Jude! Im not going to tell you!" i growled. I swear he never knows when to stop.

        "Fine, if you dont tell me im going to find out myself. ill even bring Jace and Adrian into this. Then is going to be three to one." he said triumphantly.

         I could easily win and he fucking knew it. I mean, why does he even care what  name i have him under on my caontact list? He even went as far as tying me on a chair. But before he could take my phone i threw it down my shirt. Idiot over there knows well enought not to get too close to my braw unless he wants a nub as a hand.

        "I have you under 'Juddy ma bae' ok? Can i go now?" i asked. I was lying about the name, but he doesnt need to know that. He can live not knowing the truth.

        "Believe it or not Nev, but im not stupid. You would rather put 'Mr. Man Whore' than 'Juddy ma babe'." 

        "Hey you said it, I didnt. And its 'bae' not 'babe'. Babe is so last month." I say in a bitchy voice. God only knows im doing this to get on his nerves. Or maybe im just stalling so i could finish slipping my hand through the rope. You would think if he knows how to tie his shoes the litltle fucker would know how to tie a proper knot. Well i guess not.

        "....hate when they do that, you know? Like, why the hell would that happen? She said 'Come over later' then said her adress. So then I was trying out a new punch line when i forgot it half way through, and as i was trying to remember the rest she turns and walks through a door so i try to follow her.

        So here i am wondering why the hell the door wont open so i could reach her. Then, this little midget of a kid pushes past me twoards the door and PULLS it open. And i was PUSHING the damn door for about fifteen minuits. probobly looking like an idiot. So then i walk in and i reach her. So then i realized "what time did she say?'

        Im like 'what time?' and shes like 'what' and im like you 'know, you kinda invited me over later earlier today'. And then she fully turnes to me and she has a fucking blue tooth on. She wasnt even listening to me while i was talking to her! She must have thought i was some creep or stalker for asking her questions for no reason." he finally stopped rambling. What the hell was he talking about. I think i zoned out for most of it from trying how to escape. He only stopped talking to catch his breath and start again. God, he was so annoying!

        "So i say-"

        "SHUT THE HELL UP ALREADY" I yelled before i attack him. We both end up on the floor with me on top and Jude on the bottom.

        "How did you get out of the chair?" he questions. "Wait, were you even listening to me talking?" he sounded hurt. Slowly i get off and head twoards the nearest door. Damn, its a closet. Theres another door on the other side of the room, but i would need to pass Jude.

        "Well i would have thought you knew how to tie a simple knot, but no. Its like you just did a bow." i said. I slowly circled Jude before throwing open the door and running through. I finally know what freedom feels like! Woooohooooo! Oh, i almost forgot.

        "Hey Jude?" i say from outside the door.


        "Do you still want to know what i put you under on my contact list name?"

        "Fuck yeah!" he quickly answeres. From what i could see, he was still on the floor looking at me intently. Weirdo. I try to contain my giggles so i could finish my sentence.

        "I put you under 'Moody Juddy, the guy on his period'. Has a nice ring to it, right?" After that i couldnt hold in my chuckles. Not soon after i was on the floor laughing hard enough to bring tears in my eyes from the look on Judes face

        "Thats not funny," he nearly yells. "ADRIAN, GET YOUR ASS OVER HERE!"

        "Yeah, go ahead and call Dora the explora over here. Try and see if hes even going to help." i say, almost laughing again.

        "Who the heck is Dora?Hey Adrian..." Jude asks, slightly confused. Shit, i said it outloud. I just hope Adrian didnt hear me. Wait Adrain?! I quickly turn my head and stare at a silently fuming Adrian. Shit he did hear.

        "Hey Ian..." i trailed of nervously. Holy cheesepuffs, i was in deep dog shit. "How ya doin'. Me and Jude were just playing......playing......hide and seek," i rambled nonsense,"then he couldnt find me so he went all macho man and called out for you. So i decided to be a nice person, 'cause you know im nice." Poor people, they dont deserve me going all mental on them.

        "Has anyone seen my Taylor with a grilled cheese sandwich and the rest of my clothes?!" Jase asked running into the room half naked.

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