Demigod meet: Samantha Down

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Important!!! I own nothing!! Pjo characters belong to Rick Rioradan

Happens after the second titan war (I'm making him sound like the great hero he is) and before Percy got kidnapped by the queen of bitches oops I mean gods (sorry not sorry)

Samantha POV

I just found out that I'm half goddess I already forgot what it is called but I'm so excited. My mom is the goddess Aphrodite. In the middle of the tour around camp, everyone started doing their chores if they didn't already and they weren't goofing around. It was kinda like an work place when the boss who doesn't come often comes. Then someone shouted "He's here!" Then every one looked towards the big tree and when I looked this insanely hot guy walked up and almost everyone hugged him or tried to hugged him. With the younger campers it was like a brotherly/fatherly hugged. The older campers hugs were more like a best friend or brotherly. And of corse my siblings were hugging him with no intentions of good. Then I turn to my tour guide a daughter for Athena and say "Who's that? He's hot!" I exclaimed. She looked up and shrugged "He's Percy Jackson. He was the leader in the war we had a week ago. And he's not that good looking" she said smirking. My jaw dropped. He was not ok looking he was drop dead good looking. Then he looked up and said "I'm Percy Jackson son of Poseidon-" he got cut off when someone yelled "AND SAVIOR OF OLYMPUS." "I didn't do it all on my own I had lots of help and shouldn't get that much credit." Then my tour guide yelled "Shut up seaweed brain and learn to take a complement." His face perked up and he smirked when she said that. Then he said "Annabeth where are you?" then all the sudden people moved and there was a path from him to Annabeth? I geuss here name is. They both ran towards each other and kissed. I started planning on ways I could brake them up when I heard a voice in my head "Don't you dare brake up percabeth it took 4 years to get them together and if you brake them up I will put shame upon you, daughter." I quickly stopped thinking about ways to brake them up. And that's how I met percabeth.

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