Part 2

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“I can't do anything right” Jungkook says. I furrow my eyebrows, unsure of what he means. He continues saying “the reason we didn't perform today at the concert was all because of me. It was my fault. I forgot the microphones from home and everyone blamed me. They scolded me. I always mess up and there's nothing i can do about it. I even consider leaving big hit sometimes just because i don't feel like I belong there. What's the point? I'm not even that talented so what's the point of even being there if all I can do is make mistakes?” hearing his words made my heartache. I sat down carefully next to him on another swing and reassured him. I told him that it wasn't his fault and everyone makes mistakes. “No one was to blame for that. Everyone makes mistakes but that doesn't mean that you're useless. Don't listen to them. Your talented, good looking and I'm sure all of the army's are here to support you. Don't worry, they didn't mean what they said I'm sure, they were just a bit stressed out” I gave him a warm, reassuring smile and he immediately returned it “thankyou” he replied. After he had calmed down a bit, I asked him if anyone knew he was out here. He told me that he came here on his own and they probably have no idea that he's here. “how about this? I'll come with you to your other band members and stuff and then I'll hide, when they come, I'll make sure that you're okay there alone and leave but if you're not then I'm doing something about it” I seriously explained. Slowly, He shook his head and said “no, it's o-” but before he could finish his sentence, I cut him off, saying “I'm going with you and that's final, understood?” He chuckled a little bit and slightly nodded. We got our things and headed back to the building. Once we were standing outside of a door, he told me that everyone else were in there and that I should stay outside. I just nodded and watched as he opened the door and entered. Carefully watching through the window, as soon as Jungkook came in, everyone was shouting and scolding him “I was worried sick” said Namjoon. “where the hell have you been after losing the microphones” the manager sourly asked and a few other nasty comments. Jungkook was just standing there, doing nothing about it. He had his head down and a tear escaped his eye. I knew i had to do something about this so I stepped forward and entered the room. All eyes landed on me, “how dare you!” I screamed at everyone but Jungkook.

“who is this little girl?” The manager asked. I chuckled and replied with

“My name is not little girl, it's Y/N and I've seen enough. Jungkook does not deserve to be shouted at, ok? Everyone makes mistakes but it doesn't mean that he deserves to be scolded. You're his band, he needs support from you, not criticism” everyone just stood there staring at me, Jungkook looked surprised at my confidence but just gave me a weak smile and turned back to the others.

“who are you to talk to us like that?” J-hope asked, clearly annoyed. He glared at me, whilst the others looked like they were thinking about what I had said.

I strolled over to J-hope and stared him right in the eyes. I replied to him by saying “I'm the girl who's gonna sort out your attitude if you don't watch what you say and do” he looked taken back and I walk back to where I was standing before.

Taehyung was the first to talk “I'm sorry Jungkook” he mumbled. Jungkook’s head shot towards him, surprised and eyes wide.

“me too” exclaiming jimin, whilst stepping forward. Suddenly everyone started agreeing with them and they all apologised to Jungkook for being too harsh. Jungkook was showing off his bunny smile as I stood watching “well then, my work here is done” I mumbled to myself. I left the room and started walking home, until, “Y/N!” I heard someone shouting my name. I turned around and it was Jungkook. He ran to me and stop in front of me “why did you leave without saying bye?” He questioned. I shrugged my shoulders and said sorry. He sighed long and said “do you really have to go?”

I chuckled, “yes, I have a family too you know” we both laughed “well then, bye” I finally said. I waved and turned, ready to walk away. When, Jungkook grabbed my arm and pulled me towards me, twisting me around to face him. His face was so close to mine. I could feel his breath on my nose and my breathing lost its pattern as he started leaning in even closer. Closing my eyes, his sparkling eyes landed on my lips as he leaned in closer and kissed me. Our lips moved in sync, in such harmony and I didn't want anything to ruin this. His lips felt so soft on mine as we both got lost in each other and carried on and on and on. It was a passionate kiss, when suddenly… “AHHHHHHHHH” A high pitched scream was heard, which forced me and Jungkook to pull away from each other. Looking in the direction of the interrupting noise, we saw Jin, eyes as wide as the great wall of China and mouth as far open as it could go. He was staring at us, but couldn't get any words out. The weird thing was… he was eating popcorn (well, throwing it into his mouth uselessly) whilst watching us as if it was some kind of story or drama. I sighed and Jungkook just chuckled. “I've gotta go” he said “here is my number. So we can stay in touch” he handed me a small piece of paper with a phone number written on it “bye beautiful” I blushed at his words. He did his bunny smile and quickly ran back towards the room, taking Jin's hand and pulling him with him, even though Jin was still staring at me with popcorn in his mouth. I chuckled and skipped back home happily. To be continued...

(A/N: I. Baccckkkkkkk. Thanks for waiting. I'm going to upload another part of forgotten aswell and hopefully another one of blood sweat and tears aswell (blood sweat and tears doesn't have anything to do with bts by the way). Anyway, thanks for reading. Bye. Love you 😍👍💜)

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