The three spirits...

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"SaMaNtHa CoMe PlAy WiTh Us. DoNt YoU wAnNa PlAy?"

Samantha was shaking and couldn't breath by how scared she was. The closet door opened and three small children stood there smiling and stared at Samantha.

"SaMaNtHa YoUr In TeRrIbLe DaNgEr." said one child

Samantha blacked out. When she woke up she was in bed her blue blanket lying over her with her pajamas on. The moonlight shined in through her window and the lights were off. She looked around and noticed that the closet door was opened and a note was lying on the ground. She got up and read it.

Samantha don't talk to that girl she is not who you think she is she is a demon she texts people mean things and traps them in a device.

                                                                                  ~The Three Children

Samantha kept the note and went to bed. She dreamt about the children and there life's.

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