Why, why me?!

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Next day..

Destiny's pov

I woke up early, before any of the girls. Still very confused but I didn't really care as much anymore. I decided to go down stairs and steal Emely's food; I poured my self a bowl of trix cereal. After a while Emely and Addie came down stairs in a hurry and worried. I asked what was wrong and they both yelled 

"the bite mark is gone!"

 I stood up fast, dropping my bowl of cereal. 

"It was gone! No blood, no scar, nothing!"

 We spent an hour just sitting on her bed in complete silence. Until I finally said    

 "let's get changed." 

We took some of Emely ' s clothes, did our hair and stood in silence.

Emely ' s pov

Just what the fuck happened to me! First I get bit by some rabid animal (I hope it didn't have rabies.), Then the bite mark just diapers into thin air. The worst part is that Addie is acting weird, she won't stop staring at me and out of no where she gets up and leaves, not a word to be said. Destiny chased her but she ran out of my house too fast and stole my car. Destiny stayed not wanting to leave me alone. When Addie's around I feel odd, I get pain in my stomach. I feel like screaming at her but I don't, I keep it to myself. What's wrong with me?

Addies pov

I knew it! From when I first saw Emely ' s bite, there's another one. I thought I was the only one. The only werewolf! For a flash second I saw Emely ' s eyes glow yellow. Unlike mine, they a bright beautiful blue. I was born a wolf but what if its different? What if when one is bitten the eyes change to a bright yellow? But It doesn't make any sense, I thought I was the only one! But there's more and I have to find out who it was that bit her. I ran out of Emely ' s house and back into the woods. Trying to smell any other sent but got nothing. It's to foggy, looks like it will rain and It began getting dark. 

Holy shit! It's a full moon. Even though I had thought I was an only werewolf, I learned a couple of things. Especially on a full moon when I get the urge to kill. It must be the same for Emely and she's home alone with Destiny. Unable to control her self. I've learned threw out the years how to control it but not her she's new. I rush out of the woods using my werewolf speed to get to Emely's car that I borrowed. 

"I'm on my way Destiny!" 

Emely ' s pov

Ugh! what the hell is going on! I, I just want to kill someone. Its dark already and the moon is out. There's something wrong. My nails are turning to claws. I rushed to the bathroom. Destiny saw me and ran after me. I look in the mirror and see my eyes glowing bright yellow. 

"What the hell?"

Fur begins growing on my face and I'm getting fangs. I hear Destiny screaming 

"let me in!" 

I open the door wanting to kill Destiny. Wanting to cut her throat out. I try to hit her but I keep missing.   Braking my own things in the process. She screams for help, dogging all my attacks until I finally corner her. Ready to kill her, the door slams open and I see Addie rush thew it.

Addies pov

She did it! She tried to kill Destiny. Full of rage I growl as loud as I can. Emely stopped but I realized that I had just let Destiny see what I really am. "It had to be done" I tell myself. Emely's rage shifted focus from Destiny to me, I growled at Destiny 

 "Leave now!" 

 As soon as she left running Emely bolted at me throwing us both to the ground. She tried scratching me but I hit her upside the head as hard as I could knocking her out for a second. I ran towards her to see if she was alright. It only kept her down for about one minute or so, Once she awoke she was back to normal except her eyes were still glowing bright yellow. I sat her up and she began to cry saying

 "Why, why me? What's happening to me?"

 I stood her up.  "it's okay you will understand soon, I promise." 

It all started in the woodsWhere stories live. Discover now