"I love taking showers with you" Wolfy says as Omnii pulls his penis out. "Remember what I promised you in the hospital?" He starts to grind on her. "Be...gentle.." she says as he kissed her neck and bites a bit. "Babe..please...let me go a bit harder" omnii says smirking. "Of course I would let you but it's my first time and I'm in a lot of pain" he pushes in all the way. "I love you I'm sorry" he begins to pick up speed and covers wolfys screams in pain and pleasure. She cums and so does Omnii. They collapse onto the shower floor and wolfy is unable to walk. He scoops her up and brings her back into their bed. He kisses her forehead and shuts off the light. "I don't want you to know this because of my bad ass persona...but...I love you.."
[[T h e b e s t o f f r I e n d s]]
FanficFour friends fall in love, but in all of their hardships it's easy to fall out of it and drama breaks out.