Chapter Eight

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"All right, so where am I going?" Harry asks once we get into my car. Because I refuse get on that damn bike of his, and he claims he's a better driver than me, he's been driving my car when we go out.

"Brynn said he lives on Riverside. Do you know where that is?"

He laughs and starts driving. "Hell do I know where that is! What is he, a fucking billionaire?"

I shrug and a frown creeps on my face with the realization that I have no idea. Is it bad that we're going to a party at a house of someone we don't even know?

"We really don't have to go... I mean, I don't mind just going to Liam's." I offer.

"No way, now I gotta check this thing out."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, Chloe. It will be fun. Now shut up and pick a different song. This one is depressing as fuck." I pout when he makes me change my favorite Lana Del Ray song.

When we pull up to the house, I realize what Harry was talking about. My father's house is huge, but this house... it's enormous. It looks more like a small hotel rather than a house, honestly.

"You ready to party, Chlo?" Harry opens my door for me and smiles an excited smirk.

"Definitely. I need a drink ASAP." I admit. It's definitely needed after this long day.

"Fucking same. Hey, I'll call Louis later to pick us up so we don't have to drive home. Let's just have fun, yeah?"

"Sounds good." I smile and follow him into the house.

The second we get inside, the loud music and the scent of alcohol invades my senses. I welcome the distraction, and I'm thankful that today has actually turned out to be pretty good.

"Holy shit, Chloe Hayes you look hot as hell!" I turn around to see a very drunk Brynn running, and stumbling, over to me. "I didn't think you were coming, but I'm soooo glad you're here!" She pulls me into a quick hug, but when she pulls back, she eyes me and then Harry. I know she's probably wondering why he's here and why he's with me. I'll have to fill her in later before she gets any ideas.

"Hey Brynn." I laugh. Wow, I thought she was crazy while sober.

"Um, I'm gonna something to drink. What do you want, Chlo?" Harry cuts in.

"Oh, whatever you're having. Thanks." I smile and he nods.

"Booze is in the kitchen!" Brynn yells after him. He waves, and when he's out of sight, she looks at me with wide, surprised eyes. "Chlo? He called you Chlo! What's going on between you two?"

"Ugh, he's like my brother! Stop looking at me like that!"

"Oh sure... Let me guess. You guys are just really good friends, you don't like each other like that. Yeah, yeah, yeah, BULLSHIT! Come on, Hayes. You two banging or not?" She slurs, and I can't help but laugh.

"No, Brynn... Like he really is my brother. Well, my dad is marrying his mom. We live together for God's sake!" I explain just before Harry returns, leaving Brynn with so many unasked questions churning in her hazed mind.

"Thanks." I smile at Harry when he hands me a full plastic cup.

"Well in that case..." Brynn says quietly to me with a smirk before turning to Harry. "I never introduced myself. Silly me. I'm Brynn Hobart." She smiles flirtatiously.

"Oh, Jason's girlfriend?"

She looks at me like she was trying to keep that fact a secret, causing me to hold back a smile. She's so wasted.

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