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Greetings All!

This story originally was started as a challenge on a Star Trek forum.  To wit: "If you could chose anyone to be a Starship Captain, who would it be, and could you write a story about him or her?"  I chose "Tyr Anasazi" from Gene Roddenberry's "Andromeda" who was played by Keith Hamilton Cobb.  Yes, I certainly did write a story about him!  

What evolved is a Star Trek/Andromeda Crossover fanfiction story, that I've named CROSSBOW.  I hope you have fun and enjoy reading it as much as I did writing it.  Oh, it is a continuing story as Star Trek always is.........

Thank You  

 Introductions  -  Chapter 1

Commander TMara beamed aboard the U.S.S. Insurrection at precisely 1745 hours. As she solidified on the transporter platform she was greeted by a young, fresh-faced female Ensign.

"Greetings, Commander. Welcome to The Insurrection. Captain Anasazi is having an officers meeting at 1800 hours and expects you to attend." she said, brightly.

"Thank you, Ensgin. . . . ." TMar started.

"Curuthers, Ma'am." she replied, as the Ensign replied as she pushed a stray lock of blond hair out of her eyes.

"Thank you, Ensign Curuthers." TMar replied stoically. Obviously instead of going straight to her quarters and unpacking, she was going straight to the Captain's Ready Room on the bridge.

"Do you need me to escort you, Commander?" Ensign Curuthers asked.

"No thank you, Ensign. I will find my way." TMar replied., as she inclined her head.

She then strode out of the transporter room and into the corridor. The USS Insurrection was one of two dozen brand new Akira  class starships, which had been launched a mere 6 months ago. So, she still had that "New Starship Smell". 

The Insurrection was fast and deadly and packed more weaponry than the standard Constitution, or Voyager class vessel. When The Insurrection showed up, there was no question why she was there. It was either to kick butt, or to protect.  Mostly to kick butt.

On her way to the turbo lift TMar passed a variety of crew members. They were either on their way to or from duty, or other activities. 

There was the usual Starfleet/Federation mixture. Klingons,, Humans, Vulcans, Andorians, with an Orion tossed in here and there.  But most were Nietzscheans.

According to the unclassified history of the race, they were a closely knit people who lived in large family groups called "Prides", and they often traveled together.

"So more than likely the Nietzscheans serving on this ship are members of Captain Anasazi's Kodiak Pride," TMar thought, as she rode the lift up to the bridge. She stepped out of the lift, walked up to, and buzzed for entrance at the Ready Room door.

"Enter." a male voice said, and TMar went in.

* * * *

On the bridge the junior officers glanced at each other and shook their heads. They wouldn't dear speak aloud, least their Captain's sensitive Nietzschean hearing would pick it up.

This was the 5th Number One Captain Anasazi had gone through in the past 90 days. The Nietzschean Captain could not keep good Commanders for the life of him. In cowboy terms "He rode 'em hard, an' put 'em up wet". And when they were "windbroke", they either demanded a transfer or got canned by the Captain. The last one simply went AOL on shore leave at Risa, and had not been heard from since. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 30, 2012 ⏰

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