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Imagine living such a life, you have to move to a new town every year, everything starts over and you don't have any friends. A new start! Right? It's not all that glamorous, we're moving to a nowhere town called South Park, it's in Colorado. According to my brothers it's always cold in South Park, I'm not completely stoked about that. I sleepily rubbed my eyes, yawning. We're driving from Florida to Colorado so this will take a long while. "You all good sport?" My dad asked looking in the review mirror at me. I probably looked kinda down, but I was fine. "Hm? Oh yeah, I'm fine dad." I smiled at my dad before looking at my older brothers, Connor and Kalvin. The two were twins, they acted similar but not exactly alike. Kalvin was very athletic, he was the more popular of the two in Florida and basically anywhere else, and he was very funny. Connor was the more unpopular, he didn't have a lot of friends in Florida or anywhere else we've lived, he was secluded but he was also very funny. Then there was me, the youngest, I didn't have a lot of friends, I focused on my studies most of the time, I'm going to try to change that this time around, I want friends, that'll be my goal.

We arrived at our new house after a day and 4 hours, I was very tired, but I stayed up the entire time. The house was big, about two stories, I know that there was three bed rooms, I get my own, my parents are sharing a room, and the twins were sharing a room. We pulled into the driveway next to the U-Haul truck. Kalvin was the first one out of the car, Connor was out soon after. My parents got out and helped the movers, as did my brothers. I got out after a second, I stretched out my arms and legs before instantly getting cold and rubbing my arms. I went over to the movers and brought boxes inside.

My boxes were put in the last room, it was the smallest room, I mean it's only housing one person, it makes sense that it's the smallest. I dug in my boxes for my winter clothes, bitch it's fucking cold. I tugged out my light blue jacket and I put it on, and I pulled on my beanie, I put on my boots and I went outside, my brothers were already outside, they were committing fuckery. I came out and they started throwing snow at me, I laughed and threw snow at them.

Four boys were watching us from the sidewalk, my brothers noticed before I did. I looked over at them when I noticed my brothers looking at the side walk. "Oi! Who are you?" A larger boy asked, I stared at him for a second. Kalvin swiftly approached the four boys. "We're your new neighbors, I'm Kalvin," Connor approached, tugging me behind him. "and I'm Connor." Connor smiled, and ushered me to introduce myself. "Oh, hi, I'm [NAME]." I nodded, rubbing my nose.

My eyes caught the tallest of the four, he had his hands stuffed into the pockets of his orange parka, his beautiful blue eyes were watching me very closely. I noticed bits of dirty blonde hair spreading over his forehead from under his hood. I couldn't see his mouth or nose, but I could tell he was smiling. He outstretched a hand for a handshake. "Hey, the name's Kenny." I blinked a couple times and I shook his hand. "Hi. It's nice to meet you—" Kenny let go of my hand, stuffing his back in his pocket.

One of the other boy's chipped in, "Hello, my name is Kyle, and this is Stan," Kyle pointed to the teen next to him before continuing,"this is fat ass." Kenny and Stan snickered and the large boy got all mad. "MY NAME IS CARTMEN!!" He shouted in a whiny voice. Kenny was still snickering, "Technically your name is Eric." Kenny laughed

Cartmen and Kyle began fighting and Stan worked to break up the fight. Kenny calmed down. "We're sophomores in South Park high, maybe we'll see you at school?" Kenny asked me, I nodded. "I'm also a sophomore, my brothers are Seniors." My brothers had gone back to throwing snow at each other.

"Well we'll see you at school!" Kyle smiled and pulled Stan and Kenny away, Eric followed in-suit.

The four departed and I watched Kalvin and Connor fuck around in the snow until our mother called us in for dinner.

[time skip]

I woke up early and took a brief shower, I changed into warm clothes and I got breakfast. My brothers woke up later and they only had toast. We ran to the bus stop close to our house and we ran into the four teens from yesterday. My brothers were pestering me as we approached, Eric and Kyle were fighting and Stan was trying to make them stop. Kenny looked over at us and smiled. "Hey new kid!" Kenny draped his arm over my shoulders and leaned against me.

The bus arrived and myself and the six other teens got on.

"You can sit with me new kid." Kenny pulled lead me down the aisle

"Sure thing Kenny." I smiled and sat down after Kenny

I'll be your superman |Kenneth McCormick x Innocent!Male!Reader Smut!|Where stories live. Discover now