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|The Movie I was watching while writing this made me ugly cry.| 

I slipped out side of the seat before Kenny, I stood outside of the building and looked up at it, i tugged on the straps on my back pack. Kenny slipped off of the bus soon after me, he stood next to me and gently put his hand on my shoulder. "You all good pipsqueak?" Kenny asked kindly, pulling down the bit of cloth covering his nose and mouth to smile at me, or show me that he was smiling this time.I smiled back softly, “Hey man, I know I'm short, but there's no need to rub it in!” I laughed, shrugging off Kenny's hand and pretending to pout. Kenny snickered “I am so sorry, its just- you're so short! It's hard to miss. Now answer my question shorty.” Kenny continued to joke. I huffed, smiling. “I'm fine, just a little nervous.” Kenny ruffled my hair over my beanie “Hey, no need to be nervous, I can go with you to get your schedule and see if we have any classes together. Chill?” Kenny offered, moving his hand. I sighed gratefully. “Yeah that sounds nice, I'm glad I already have a good friend already.” Kenny covered the lower part of his face again and grabbed my hand, pulling me to the door before releasing my hand.

Kenny made dumb jokes as the two of us where joined by Kyle, Stan, Eric, and a teen I hadn't met yet. We got to the office, the other four teens waited outside for us. The office lady gave me my schedule, it turns out Kenny and I had our first three classes together, homeroom, math, and history.

Kenny and I joined the other four boys when we got out of the office, the six of us walked down the hall towards our homeroom. Stan and Kyle walked in front of us, they walked backwards to talk to us, Eric walked in front of them, pretty much ignoring us. I learned that the teen I hadn't met was named Leopold, or Butters. Eric sped up to get away from us. Stan bumped into a teen that was slightly taller than Kenny, Stan stumbled and got caught by Kyle. The taller teen turned and looked at Stan and Kyle. “Watch where you're fucking going Stanley.” He spat out, i looked at him  curiously, now taking in any and all details I could pick up on, he had blue chullo hat pulled over his jet black hair, his hat matched his blue sweater. 

He caught my eyes and nudged the brunette next to him. “Clyde look, these idiots brought us fresh meat.” Clyde turned to look at me, smirking. “I guess you're right Craig.” Clyde pulled on the edge of his red and white varsity jacket. Craig stepped towards me, reaching out his hands to grab my wrists. Kenny swiftly moved in front of me, shoving Craig away. “Fuck off Tucker. Stan's sorry for bumping into you, you don't get to fuck with our new friend.” Kenny objected.

Craig scoffed and looked past Kenny, locking eyes with me. “Wouldn't you rather be friends with someone like me? Someone who could get you popular? Someone who could get you a girlfriend?” The brunette tagged on to what Craig was saying. “Yeah, our group is wayyyyy cooler.” Clyde smiled at me, but it wasn't like the way Kenny smiled at me, it was... dumb.

Craig made an attempt to move Kenny, but Kenny wasn't having it. Butters tugged me away from the tall teens, Kenny fucking punched Craig in the stomach and fight ensued. Stan somehow got caught in the fight, but Kyle quickly took him away from the class. Butters took me to my class and opened the door for me. The last thing that I saw of a fight was a teacher breaking up the fight.

I walked into the class, obviously being a little shaken up. I asked the teacher where I was supposed to sit and he told me to sit in the back left corner, I sat down and one of the boys that were behind Craig earlier came and sat next to me. “Hello. My name is Token Black. I apologize on behalf of my friend Craig Tucker.” Token nodded in my direction, he smiled at me apologetically. “It's alright. I'm just... a little shaken up. It's alright.“ I accidentally repeated myself. Token nodded and was doing work for another class. Kenny and Craig came in soon after, arguing at each other, they sat in the two seats in front of us.

Kenny looked back at me. “Oh hey new kid.” Kenny smiled at me, reaching over and ruffling my hair again. Craig scoffed, “Oh what next? You two are going to have sex?” Craig asked, I'm pretty sure he's joking. Kenny and Token laughed, as did Craig. I looked from the three other teens, very confused. “Do you... not get the joke?” Kenny asked me cooling down from his laughter. I paused, thinking about it. “No not really.” I responded. Token, Craig, and Kenny looked at me like I was the most fascinating thing in the world.

“Oh my god you innocent innocent boy.” Kenny huffed.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 03, 2020 ⏰

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