Hospital Nightmare

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Camila's POV

I was surrounded by a sea of darkness with no end in sight. Swiveling my head back and forth, I gradually hear a beeping noise that becomes louder and louder with each passing second.

"Ma'am! Can you hear me?" A faint voice calls out. Am I in a dream?

"Doctor, we're losing her!"

"Give her IV fluids, STAT!" The dark abyss around me begins to shake as it fades to a bright white, then to a blurry figure wearing a mask. I slowly flutter my eyes open to be met with a blinding white light, causing me to instinctively squint.

"Ma'am, how are you feeling?" I turn my head in the direction of the voice, noticing a doctor standing there with a smile on his face.

"What's going on? Where am I?"

"Relax Ma'am, you're at the Orlando Children's Hospital. Do you remember what happened or why you are here?" The doctor asks. I shake my head.

"Alright, you have a self inflicted gunshot wound. The bullet pierced your scalp, and your skull, but only grazed your brain. You're lucky to be alive. Are you depressed in any way or suffering from a mental illness?"

"No, not that I'm aware of."

"Okay, can I ask you for your name and date of birth?"

"Karla Camila Cabello Estrabao, March 3, 1997."

"Thank you, do you have any family?" 

"Yes, my mother Sinu, my father Alejandro and my younger sister, Sofia." I say, just realizing that weren't in the room. 

"Thank you. Can all of you leave the room? Except you, Jenny." The doctor asks, addressing the crowd of nurses behind him. Just like a heard of wild animals, the nurses all stampede out, except for one elderly nurse. 

"Camila, are these your family?" The doctor asks, showing me a photo. I quickly nod worriedly.

"Yes, is there something wrong?"

"Okay, and it this your family vehicle?" He asks, showing me a different photo to which I once again nod. 

"I ask you this because I have just received three new patients that you have just helped me to ID. They were involved in a motor vehicle accident on the freeway between Miami and Orlando. Unfortunately, Camila, your parents didn't make it; they passed away painlessly upon arrival at our emergency department. However, little Sofia is still alive and fighting for her life in our pediatric ward. The only reason she is alive is because your mother shielded her daughter from the brunt of the impact. I will allow you some time to grieve. Jenny will accompany you as per hospital policy, you are not to be left alone due to a suicide risk. I'll see you soon, Camila. I'm very sorry for your loss." And with that, the doctor departs my room. Not long after, I break down in to loud wails as Jenny rubs soothing circles on my back. 

"Camila, you are a strong girl. You've been through a lot, and I'd know from first hand experience. You have to stay strong for Sofia; you are her role model now, and the only family she has left." 

"W-what do y-you mean f-first hand e-experience?" I stammer out through my tears. 

"Nearly 18 years ago, I worked as a nurse at a small hospital in Cojimar, Cuba. The first baby that I helped deliver was Karla Camila Cabello Estrabao to Sinu and Alejandro Cabello. I still remember the night you came out, just how weak and unstable you were. But you persevered through to the next morning and became the beautiful girl you are today. You've met both my daughter and grand-daughter as well, Clara and Lauren Jauregui." Jenny says, sending me an encouraging smile. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 06, 2019 ⏰

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