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I have always wanted facebook but my parents dont let me have it. "MUM! please all my friends have it. i am the only grade niner without facebook" i have been tryin to get it since grade 8 but she always says "NO" but this time she was in a happy mood. I was babysitting my brother last night as my mum had gone out to a party. thats why sher was in a happy mood. 

"yer sure why not i have facebook , your little brother has facebook...." i interrupted my mum.

"my brother he is nearly 7, mum does he really have facebook" my voice was drowning in that as he was 7 and i wasn't sure if she was lying or not i was hard to tell when she was druck.

"of course he does, he asked me last night i said why not" darm he was smart asking her when she was drunk, she had to say yes bcause she didn't know what she was doing. he was that kind of boy that thought ahead. 

As i logged onto facebook i typed in the following:

First Name: Katherine                  Last Name: Taylor 

Email: kattycat@gmail.com

Re-Enter Email: Kattycat@gmail.com 

Password: ************

Birthday:                                                                                                                                                                     Day:12       Month: 05        Year:1998                                                                                                              

⬜Female            ⬛Male


Create an account

 I forgot to read the turns and conditions but i just shrugged.

When I got on there the first thing i did was find all my friends that went to school. 

Kat: Hey its me Kitty Kat. 

My fireind Emily almost messaged me after i sent it. 

Emily: Hey Kat you finally got facebook what made your mum give in.

I didnt know what to saw i wanted to tell the truth but then again Emily has been backs stabbing me one facebook latley, i was worried what she was going to do next. i tried my hardest to send a realistic thing but it wasn't that realistic

Kat: not sure I just asked again she said "yes"

oh no what have i done.

Emily: really. so wassup?

Thank-God she wasnt any bit suspicuis 

Kat:  nothin much watchin ma tv should start and do some study. So what you doing?

Emily: Driving with mum and dad So boreing. so have you heard from your dad yet?

She had to mention my dad i felt tears appearing. my dad has been helping out for the army but we haven't heard from him since 2 months after he joined he sent me and my little brother a letter but my brother doesn't know about as he was only 3 years old. I started crying but Emily was still waiting what should I say.

Kat: No nothing yet can you plz not mention him again.  

After that i just logged off... When I got out of my bed i checked the time 10:00pm I was talking to Emily a long time. I went off to have a shower. ooohhhh it was so warm and nice i wanted to stay in there forever. i washed my self all over. i jumped out of the shower and i got a shiver down my spine it was so cold. i waxed my legs "AHHH!" I screamed oh that really hurt. after i waxed my legs. I was so cold that i decided to go back in the shower. after i got bacxk out again and dried my self off i went into my room and looked at my clock 10:40pm I was in the shower for at least 40 minutes. wow that was a long time. I cuddled up in my bed with a teddy my dad gave to me it is very fragile to me. after a few songs i played on my ipod I was fast asleep....

I woke up with my little brother playing minecraft on my computer "NNNNNNNNNNNNOOOOOOOO" he screamed as he got killed by a creeper i started laughing.

"what you laughing at I am so much better than you at playing minecraft you know why" here we go again he did this last time and it took all day and after he went to sleep he kept going on. "ok Johnny What if we play a Game, WAIT not just a game what about a fun one." i had this one in te bad i was gonna win. the game i had in mind was 'who can knock down the most toilet that are all piled up.

"ok the Game is Knocker toilet roll" oh i said that in the best voice i just say my brothers expression, he had a smile from ear to ear I swear.

"common I bet I could win this time" i didnt want to take any bets but i looked at the clock and it was 8:00am "Johnny get ready for school your late."

"Katie what are you talking about? its Saturday. No way im gonna go to school!!!" oh i forgot yesterday was friday because that was the night before my mum went out. I was sitting down eating my breakfast, corn flakes, but my brother had coco pops, I would have had coco pops but my brother ate therm all. ERG! he always does that to me he take the last one. 

I logged onto facebook and I had 4 new messages 1 from Emily and 3 from my BFF Sophie.

EMILY: oh Sorry gtg ttyl. 

Emily was so modern she always got caught up in texting and selfies. she would always you abbreviations like Brb, ttyl,gtg,lol, wud. it was dring my head in, like someone trying to take my brain out.

Sophie: Hey i heard you got FaceBook?

I wasn't on so i couldn't repond the next 2 messages where...

Sophie: Is it You kitty?

 Sophie: Hello Katherine?

the messages came in around last night 11:00pm, but i was asleep.

Kat: Hey, yeah its me how are you?

She didnt repond i was wondering if she was on, but i didnt want to send her lots of messages. I waited and waited. I was getting bored so I decided to challenge my brother but i was going to win.

"JOHNNY" i sreamed and then my voice broke so it sounded like i was dying. I must have gotten him worried because he came running up to my room  "Katty watty are you ok?" he was very upset of hearing um my 'screm' when i just wanted to plays a game i could see him standing in my door way just wondering why i screamed. i stopped and thought i really didnt know what i was doing. "oh sorry I was wondering if you wanted to start the family  olympics?" i saw his face drop but i wasn't sure he was gonna play " Australia VS Town poobums.... Nah not really, you scared me i thought you where diying" 

He started bursting into tears, i had scared him so much that he... he... he.... ran down stairs and because he thought mum was home he started calling "MMMUUUUUUMMMMMM" he didn't scream and he didnt shout. i ran down stairs and hugged him "its ok, I'm dearly sorry that i scared you like that" he just hugged me back.

"I'm glad your ok Katie" he had the cutest puppy dog face i couldn't not do what he said so i had to ask him "so bud, do you want to do anything my favour." he took awile to repond  but he just had that thinking face for a very long time looking up at me when he was hugging me, it felt funny as his chil was on my stomach diggin in, he was hurting me but i didn't want to show it.

"wel Katie if you really say so i have to ask you something about facebook?" so mum wasn't lying i don't know what she was thinking it could really hurt him he doesn't know what hes doing he was only 7, he probably meet this girl that is 17 and miss read 7 for 17 im not sure but know im woried.

"whats on ya mind bud" he finally let go of hugging me but I didn't know what to do i can't tell anyone because he is underage and i am not and i won't know what to do. since my dad has left my mum has been making some silly mistakes. one for an example is giving my brother facebook.

"um i would just like you too look." i was worried and so we went up to my room and then her should me "omg Johnny what have you gotton yourself into." i looked away and looked back again just incase I was dreaming, no i wasn't i piched myself no this was real. 

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