You need to be 13 to have facebook...

13 1 0

My brother was allowed facebook by my mum and he is 7...

He isn't aware of the dangers that are on facebook.

My brother was showing me His facebook and he had this mesage board with 5 people in a group chat threatning him. 

Alec: Hey 

Brandon: yo!

George: Sup!

Veronica:Hey Boyzzzzz 


Scarlet:Oh Johnny you have such a cute name!

Alec: So V how old  r ya?

Veronica: 17 wbu?

Alec: 19 soooooooooo.

Brandon: What bout we play '20 questions' I'll go first. Verinica what colour eyes do you have?

Veronica: Hazel Green... ok Scarlet how old are you?

Scarlet: 15. UM Johnny. whats your favirote TV show?

Johnny: scooby doo!

George: hahahhaaahahahaahahah.

Brandon: bwhahahahahahaahah

Alec:OMG REALLY!!!!!

Scarlet: AWW! thats so cute. johnny your turn

Johnny: Where do you go to skoool?

Veronica: CREEP!!!

Alec: don't Go to school!

Scarlet: st Williams college 

Veronica: Riverback State High School

George: me neither. 

Brandon: Riverbank State High school. 

Alec: Who's Turn?

Johnny: sory got to go have diner. 

Scarlet: Bye Johnny. 

I could see that johnny had logged off but i kept reading. 

Alec: how old do you think johnny is?

Veronica: Probibly 12. I'm Really not sure. 

George: bet hes gay!

Brandon: yer I know. 

Alec: so Veronica do you have a BF?

Veronica: i never knew we were still playing? and no!

Alec: ok.

Veronica: Do you have a GF 

Alec: Not anymore :)

Veronica: oh OK!

I couldn't be bothered to read the rest so i just skimmed it. 

When johnny came back on he was being harrased it was unfair. he was only 7 he doesn't know what he was doing. I was so worried. After they were talking for a while i saw this:

Brandon: Johnny how old are you?

Johnny: UM!

Johnny: 7 

George: johnny really WHOOOO! 

Alec: I'M gonna stalk you and hurt you like hell.

Johnny: why? im scared please dont!!

Scarlet: Alec be kind

Alec: im sorry babe 

It was so kind of scarlet to do that because she had never meet johnny and now he is being... being bullied... I knew he was too young for facebook.

"MUM! come here right know... you need to look what you've gotten johnny into!"

The messages just kept coming and coming. i kept calling and calling my mum. my throat was know dry and it was so painful it was like a cheese grater grating my throat. 

"MUM!!" she still didnt answer me. i wonder if she acctually is home? i couldn't bother to keep calling so I rang my mum. 

The phone was ringing... and there was a minuete of silence... beep beep beep... "Darn" either mum's phone was out of charge, turned off or she was parying... AGAIN.

I kept reading and reading on but it was only getting worse so I had to talk to them. i went on and asked johnny for the password "NO WAY.. im not giving you my password... but ill type it in for you." i looked at him just with that glare the glare that you love him to death but your are going to kill him to death at the same time.

As it loged on i waited and looked at my facebook on my phone. It was much slower than on the computer, but i got some time out of it which was good. 

it was loged in and johnny took me to the chat. they were all chatting and already on so i had an advantage. I knew all this personal information about them when they knew NOTHING i mean NOTHING about me. 

Alec: I was playin rugby last night right.

Johnny: right

Alec: oh here is the tinney winney johnny wohnny.

Johnny: yer im not johnny

George: if your not johnny then who r u?

Johnny: I'm johnny's big sister

George: oh really


I really needed to try and get johnny out of this mess, i figured out that some of these guys plus girls went to my school and are in my grade. they are really not the ones to be messing around with, they were the players, the drug dealers, the ones you tried to avoid at all cost.

Johnny:so what school do you guys go to? 

I didnt get a reply so i logged off johnny's account and logged onto mine i have 1 new message. i couldnt tell who it was from because there name Unknown. 

Unknown: Be careful who you talk to on FACEBOOK, luv unknown

Who was this and how did they get my facebook account. 



sorry i havent uploaded in a while but i dont know what to write about so if you have any ideas comment them down below or inbox me. 


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