The Best Thing (Stampy & Sqaishey)

75 0 1

June 2014

"I'm single, mate." Stampy laughed, "and I plan on staying that way for a while."
He exited out of the game and focused on the Skype call with Squid. From what Stampy could see from his five-year-old second-hand monitor was that Squid wasn't exactly sober. He sat, basically bald-headed in the corner of his converted attic office with a bottle of beer to his slim, smirking lips as he mumbled cheekily to him, "call her."
Stampy shook his head, laughing with flushed cheeks as he remained sober with the remainder of a cooling cup of tea sat carefully on a wooden coaster beside his keyboard.
"I'm not interested in her." He denied, taking a sip and chewing his lower lip.
"You obviously are! She gave you her number for God's sake! What's her name again- Squishy something'r'other?"
"Sqaishey." Stampy corrected, placing the cup slowly down and checking his fake Rolex watch, the time was well into the morning.
"You like her." Deducted Squid, grinning at him a grin that was so contagious that Stampy broke into a faint chuckle as well before shaking himself out of it. "Go on, Stamps, who knows? This could be the girl you marry."
"Shut up, mate! She's not." Stampy Replied, leaning on his folded arms, looking down to his iPhone 4 which had Sqaishey's number dialled already, all he had to do was press 'call'. He closed his eyes and wondered about her, he didn't even know what she looked like, he didn't know her real name, where she lived; well, from her accent he had gathered that she lived somewhere near Sussex, but what if she already had a boyfriend? That was a fairly plausible case.
"-Stamps, mate. Don't dream off on me. Go on, tell me what's going on in your mind." Intimidated Squid, his cheeks pink from an obtuse amount of alcohol.
"Look, she's probably not single." Said Stampy, leaning back and putting his hands on the table.
"Woah! I didn't say you had to be her boyfriend and have loads of kids-"
"You just suggested that I might marry her!" Argued Stampy, laughing at him. "She's probably too young for me anyway."
"Then just wait till she's eighteen before you make it official. Come on Stampy. You were heart broken after Melanie left you. You need a bit more fun in your life!"
"-Says the guy who's never had a long term girlfriend." Stampy retaliated, smiling at the monitor and crossing his arms.
"Look, I know a cute girl when I hear one." Said Squid, winking at Stampy.
"Well why don't you call her then?!" Complained Stampy, shaking his head and exhaling.
"Mate. I'm gonna give you some advice and I want you to take it well. Right, you're going to Los Angeles in the Autumn right. I can't go with you-"
"-mate, stop-"
"I'm being genuine. Bring her with you! Why would a girl make a whole map dedicated to you if she had a boyfriend and had something more important to do? It's because she wants to. She likes you."
"I can't date a fan." Stampy told him.
"Since when?" Asked Squid, "I don't remember signing a contract."
"It's an unspoken rule, you just.. don't date fans." Said Stampy.
"You wanna know the reason why it's unspoken? It's because it's not true. Call her! You like her! She likes you! Just be friends at least."
Stampy took a deep breath in and out, looking down to his phone again,
"You know that the worst thing that could happen is that you remain friends. The best thing that could happen... well who knows, years down the line." Squid urged, taking another sip of beer as he watched Stampy intently gazing at his phone.
"Stamps there's a reason why you messaged her on YouTube after you watched her video. And there's a reason you watched the video all the way to the end. It's because you like her. It's because she just fits."
Stampy bit his lip and picked up his phone, leaning the top part of it against his chin.
"This could be the best thing you ever do, mate."
Stampy smiled, making up his mind and pressing call.
"Yeah, it could."

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