Best friends

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I wake up to go to school I hated school I got dressed in just a black hoodie and some leggings and put on my vans grabbed my bag and waited for Sam we walked to school together everyday it's been me and Sam since day one I loved him like a brother I was drugged out of my thoughts when I see Sam walk out of his house he lived right across from me "bye mom bye dad" I yell as I walk out the door and walk with Sam "so... how was your weekend" I asked him  "it was kind of boring since you weren't there to keep me distracted" Sam said "same though I was bored and didn't know what to do with my life" I say as I look at him we both laugh a little and soon we arrive at school me and Sam had two classes together band and language as Sam and I get in trouble a lot in those classes so does this one kid his name is colby I think I'm not so sure though me and Sam say our goodbyes as we walk to our first period class and the day was very very boring
~time skip to after school~
Me and Sam are currently walking to his house
"How was your day"Sam asked me
"Boring" I said he nodded his head
"Mine was to" he opened his front door and we both go inside we go to his room and start messing around
"Sam" I say
"Yes"he responds
"Are you going to band camp" I asked
"Yes" I jumped up at his answer
"Yesss I won't be alone" I said
"We have this week then we have band camp" he states
"I know I'm kind of excited " I say
"Me to"
We kept joking around making jokes until it came to almost night time and I left Sams house and went to my own I walked upstairs and got in the shower brushed my teeth put on pajamas and fell asleep

Sorry it's short but I guess this is the start of there best friend enjoy 🤷‍♀️ I need Ideas in what to right tho I kind of have an idea on where I want the story to go from here but I don't know

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