Band camp

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It's been a couple days since I got with Luke things have basically been the same but today I leave for band camp I couldn't wait only because it was a break from my life at school I've been getting picked up by Luke everyday and hanging out with him and all the popular people for the past couple days Olivia still hates me tho I get punched or scratched nearly everyday by her but I take it because what else am I supposed to do I got have the guts to stand up for my self so I just take it as I get ready for band camp I decide to straighten my hair as I get a text from no other than Olivia
Olivia:hey slut hope you have fun at your little band camp thing I know me and Luke will have fun hear

I didn't know what to say so I just turned my phone off and continued to straighten my hair "Come on sweetie we need to leave for camp now" my mom yelled from downstairs
"Coming" I yell
I stood up grabbed my bag and flute and walked down stairs my mom hugged me as we got down there I hugged back my dad was in the living room with a beer he been acting really strange lately I don't know why or what's going on but I chose to ignore it me and my mom get in her car as we pull out of the drive way I see Sam and I remember how much he probably hates me right now i haven't talked to him since Monday I felt like such a bad person but at least we will talk all this week we had already talked about what we where gonna do here and stuff

~30 minutes later~

We arrive at camp just as we pull into camp Sam comes in right behind us I get out and grab my bags and look over at Sam he glance at me but quickly looks away did I hurt him that bad my mom gave me a quick hug then left she looked as if she was in a hurry I walked up to the cabin for girls and put my bags and things on a bed and grabbed my phone and walked out of the cabin as I did that a bunch of girls where staring and whispering and kept looking at me I chose to ignore it I walked out to see a rock far away from everything and everyone I walk over to it and sit down I scroll through Twitter and Instagram my phone buzzes like 3 times I check my messages

Mom:hey... I'm sorry but I got a new job the requires me to travel around a lot so it will just be you and dad when you get home for a while I'm sorry baby ❤️
Me:why couldn't you tell me this in person mom:I'm sorry I got to go bye I love you be safe

Luke:hey hope you have fun babe I love you
Me:thanks I will I love you to

Olivia:I hope you get lost in the woods hoe

I didn't respond to Olivia i couldn't handle it anymore the pain started getting to me my mom was leaving me with my dad who I really was never close to and Olivia is making my life a living hell the only person I want to talk to right now is Sam I want to just give him a hug and not let go he was like a brother to me and I think I lost him I didn't have anyone I didn't actually love Luke I mean yeah I liked him I guess but not enough to say that I'm in love with him I knew class started soon so I wiped my tears and went back to the cabin when I did the girl instantly started whispering again I picked up my flute and went to walk out again but then turned to face them
Me:grow up and get a life in stead of gossiping all day

After I said that I stormed out of the room to a giant band room there was a piano 3 microphones a bunch of chairs speakers it had every musicians dream in it i was currently the only one in there I sat at the piano that's had a microphone attached to it I learned piano with my mom sometimes so I was pretty good at it and I have singing lesson because my mom makes me go every Tuesday and Wednesday is piano and everyday I'm learning my flute I sat down and pressed on some of the keys I turned on them microphone and tapped on it to make sure it worked I then began to play and soon singing came into place I got so deep into the music and singing I didn't notice that once

I finished there was clapping coming from behind me I turn around to my whole band class standing there watching and listening to me play and sing the clapping continued then I realize that some of them where recording I turned off the microphone my face got really red we all got to our seats

And soon enough we started playing after an hour or so later we finished practice and our director started talking about our performances and how this camp is gonna work and stuff like that I kinda zoned out until I herd my name
"Mya please come see me after class" he said I nod and lean back in my chair great what's this  gonna be about he kept talking I stopped listening until he yelled "class dismissed" I stood up and went to talk to Sam but he walked straight passed me bumping into my shoulder making me stumble back a little bit I walk up to the front of the class room

"Yes?" I asked looking at my teacher
"I was wondering if you wanted to take piano lessons while we are hear there also a vocal teacher near by I could call " he spoke my heart lit up a distraction from everything that's been going on yes
"Yes of course I would love to" I said smiling
"Ok so let's start piano now" he said walking over to the piano I put my flute down and walk over "how long will my lessons be" I ask while sitting down at the piano "well probably an hour each is that ok with you?" He asked
"Yes it's perfect " i said as he turns on the microphone and taps it like I did he then pulls out a music sheet and taught  me the song it was hard at first but I got the hang of it he told me that I would do this everyday after class then I would have vocal lessons after I shredded after I finished everything I was so tired so I got in bed and instantly fell asleep ignoring all messages I had on my phone

I hope you like it do you think mya and Sam will still be friends? Will Luke really cheat  on her? I guess you will find out when ever I decide to write it 😂. Well anyways I hope you guys had a great day I love you peeps 💋❤️

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