The Confrontation.

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May 18th, Saturday

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May 18th, Saturday.
The Confrontation.

I was given a phone when arriving at the reception desk of the hospital. An iPhone 5, I think the nurse said. I don't care. I mean I'd probably still prefer to get walkie-talkies again.

Tina gave me a wave before leaving. I was the first to arrive from being discharged, but everyone else arrived not too long after.

My phone had a text message on it when I turned it on. It was from an unknown number, displaying an address on it.

The reception lady that called security on me must have returned from her break or just arrived because she arrived without warning. So as she sat in her seat, looking back up at me, I flipped her off and gave her a glare. She sunk back into her seat and avoiding eye contact with me. Good.

The others arrived one by one, Kimmy being the last. She too looked a little concerned and worried as I watched her walk down a set of stairs, but it was immediately wiped off when she gave my brother a hug.

The others all got a phone as well, same as mine. All containing the same address as mine did. With the little luggage we had, we made our way out of the building. We couldn't even walk two steps, before we were stopped in our paths by people. We couldn't move.

Nor could I see with all of the mass of flashing lights, people and cameras that were trying to be shoved in my face.

What the hell is going on?

I was suddenly surrounded by screams and people yelling and lights and cameras and microphones being shoved in my face and flooded through ears. I felt frozen, confused and worried.

I was over whelmed so much that I had to grab ahold of whoever was next to me, that happened to be River thank god.

He too looked concerned, but pulled me close so we couldn't get lost.

I looked up as River pulled me forward, to see a bunch of police officers pushing back the crowd. An aisle was made, and we quickly walked through it.

There was so much yelling and lights, I chose to close my eyes and tried to cover my ears as River helped me walk.

So many people were yelling!

"What was it like back in Acatia?"

"How did you get onto the plane without being noticed?"

"You shouldn't have been allowed out of that country!"

"Is it as bad as everyone is making it seem?"

"How did you all survive?"

"Have you seen my husband?! I haven't heard from him!"

"How many of you have kill innocent people?"

"Do any of you know how this all started?"

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