Chapter 3

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It was 5:00pm when I made it to Brook's place. She lived in some nice condos with just her in it.

She was very laid back and chill.

I think that's why I like her soo much.

" he's taking his little nap now" she told me while I was walking in.

He laid on her couch with his thumb in his mouth.

" thank you so much I know it was short notice but your brother bailed out on me"

She shook her head.

" thats Machai for ya" Brook said shaking her head.

" right"

" I hate to say this but I really wished that you found someone because Machai ...... is too busy to worry about Bro-Bro "

That is really something I think about all the time.

" you know I do wonder what it would be like but I don't know, at first things were ok for us ..... then just sour"

" maybe one day he'll get his act right"

" nah I doubt it" I said shaking my head.

It will be a very long time before anybody that knows him see that type of change.

" but enough about him, how is Kya"

" she's fine, you know she suppose to be coming back a year from now"

Kya was Chai and Brook  baby sister. She is serving in military in Afghanistan.

I never really got that chance to formally meet her besides the time where Chai use to Skype her around with me.

" well that's good"

Me and Brook talk for little more until it start getting late.

I made it back home and of course Brodie decided to wake up after his power nap.

" Ma-Ma!" He said throwing his arms up for me to pick him up.

" Boy you are getting a little too heavy for me"

All he did was ignore me attempting to touch my hair.

" aht- aht leave it alone" I said blocking his hand.

I was trying to make spaghetti for us both to eat but he was trying to get my attention.

He was about to have a fit when I was about put to him down.

" what is the matter with you Bro-Bro"

All he did was laughed as I start kissing his chubby cheeks.

I turned down the meat on the stove letting it semeared a little.

" you wanna play with your toys"

I put him down watching him go to his toy truck.

The light on my phone went off on notifying that I had a message.

God Mommy 🥰: girl niggas ain't shit

She sent me a vid of women dancing on Chai.

I'm pretty sure his hoe ass friend Keith was behind recording it.

To be-honest that didn't bother me anymore like it use to. Chai is a single man that can do whatever he wanted to do.

But what did bother was the fact that he is out partying in Atlanta when it was his day to keep Chai.

He putting it on he had business to tend to down there. Since when did women dancing all around you was business ?

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