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(Authors Note:Im sorry I didn't post yesterday It's that I was studying for my 2 exams that happened today anyway I'm going to do a long ch today )


Jy pov

The was Silence in the car all the way to the Amusement park ,But Jimin decided to break it " So after we finish going to the Amusement park were do you want to go next"He said while parking his car "How about we go and have dinner or we can drink and eat chicken In my dorm because Jihyo won't be there shes going to stay late because of vocal lessons" I said "She sings "He said curious "Yeah she said when she finishes college she wants to become a singer and i do to"I said while looking at him and smiling "Oh so thats you're dream of becoming a singer "He said smiling "Yep so should we get going now"I said while unbundling my seat belt"Yeh sure "He said while doing the same ,we got out off the car I stretched "Ah the sky look beautiful today"I said looking up at the sky"Yeah. You're right It look beautiful "He said behind me"Let's go Jeongie "He said "Yeah lets go I said runing to the entries then he came runing behind me, "Let's go to the tea cups Jiminie "I said smiling at him"Why not lets go Jeongie Hehe"He said while giggling we waited in line then it came our turn we got into the tea cup "This going to be fun "I said excited because Haven't rode these in ages because I was busy most of the time"Sure is "He said just then the tea cups started to spin ,When the ride was finish I felt dizzy that I fell but luckily Jimin was behind he cause he caught me "Yah be careful I don't want You to get hurt okay Jeongie "He said in a worried tone"Okay Okay I'm fine don't worry about me " I said "How about we play another game how about the game where you win a stuffed animal ,Can you win one for me Jiminie "I said giving him puppy eyes"Okay lets go win you one "He said "Okay "I said happy we went to the one where you have to pop all the ballons ,Jimin poped all of them "What stuff animal would you like sir"The guy said "Which one do you want Jeongie "He said while staring at me and then smiling "I want the Dog Jiminie"I daid happy"I want the dog sir "He said smiling"Okay here you go"The guy said handing him the stuffed animal "Thanks,How we play more games then we can drink and eat chicken "He said while going to the next game"Yeah souns great"I said excited .

Time skip (Jeongyeon dorm)

Jm pov

We ordered chicken and we bought some drinks to drink "So while were waiting should we watch a movie "I said while getting up from the couch and getting the control "Yeah sounds fun what do you want to watch " She said while looking at me with her beautiful eyes "No jimin shes just a friend" I thought "How about The Grinch sound great"I said looking at her "Sure "She said while looking to see if it's on Netflix "Here it is "She said looking at the tv

15 minutes later

I heard the doorbell ring I thought it was the chicken the me and Jeongie order"I'll go get it you stay here okau Jeongie "I said getting up from the couch ,Then I came back with the chicken in my hand "Yah Jeongie the chickens here "I said placing the chicken in the kitchen counter"Oh its here finally I'm starving "she said. Getting the chicken out of the box and eating it she then stared at me "Yah eat jiminie"She said handing me a chicken"Okay Jeongie I'll eat happy now that I'm eating"I said taking a bite of the chicken"Yes jiminie I'm very happy"She said smiling .

10 minutes later.

We finished eating so we went back to the couch and started to watch the Grinch just then I felt something on my shoulder I looked and saw Jeongie sleeping on my shoulder I then lifted her up and took her to her room and layed  her down"Good night Jeongie sweet dreams"I said then got out of her roo,and closed the door and left a note for her I cleaned up everything that was on the kitchen counter and left back to my dorm

Next day

I woke up And Stretched and then went into the shower as let the warm water run through my body  Then something poped up in my "Why do I worry about Jeongie I've never been that worried in my whole in tried life,And also why does she look so familiar to me I feel like I met her before No jimin Don't get head over heels"I thought to myself . I came out of the shower and dressed up

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