What happened here?

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Well hello there, this is the translation of my fic in Spanish 'My Hellsing Academia'. I hope you like it :3

It was a terrible night for Izuku Midoriya, not only was he about to bleed to death thanks to the same bastard that killed his mother, but he was also about to make a decision that would change his life forever.

"Boy, if you want to live, you'll have to be firm and take a decision. Do you want to walk through the night like me and my master? Do you want to be a wolf among sheeps? Do you want to reject the Sun and welcome the Moon?"


But you ask yourself, how did that boy end in such a situation? Well, it all started after a normal day in school, at least for the green haired boy, where he was being bullied by his 'best friend' Katsuki Bakugou.

That day was worse than usual because the teacher decided to open his mouth and mention Izuku wanted to go to U.A., the best heroes academia in Japan, even though he was quirkless. Of course that pissed off the blonde boy who wanted to be the only one in that school to go there, all because he thought his explosive quirk was the best one.

"Please, Kacchan. Leave me alone," cried the green haired boy after receiving a full on explosion from his 'best friend'. "What did I do to deserve this?"

"Do not call me that, you shitty nerd! Deku!" Katsuki said. "And about what you did... You were born quirkless!"

"I'm sure I'll get a quirk someday, Kacchan," the good-hearted Izuku still saw Katsuki as the boy he was friends with years ago.

But what Bakugou said next, broke that thought.

"Yeah, sure. I know how you can get a quirk," he approached Izuku's ear. "Jump from a building and pray to be reborn with a quirk in your next life," he whispered venomously.

After hearing that, young Izuku couldn't hold the tears and ran towards his house. He didn't imagine the horrible scene he would found there.

At the time, because of  the pain and tears that clouded his vision, he didn't realize it, but the door was unhinged and there was a tense atmosphere along a death-like smell.

When he entered and saw what happened he relased a heartbreaking scream. His mother was on the floor in front of him and bleeding from a huge cut on her neck, but she was still alive.

When she saw him, she opened her eyes wide and tried to warn him of something, but the bleeding prevented her from moving and the cut also prevented her from speaking: the one who did that to her was still in the house.

Izuku realized that when he heard the heavy footsteps of someone behind him.

He turned and saw a very tall and muscular man, he was at least 1.90m tall and seemed to have a transformation type quirk, judging by his bloody shaped-like-a-machete hand.

"Oh? So you're the brat from the photos," said the man, walking towards Izuku.

"Why did you do it?" the boy asked while stepping back, barely hiding the fear and anger.

"You would be surprised as to what a spiteful man can do, boy" the man smiled sinisterly.

"What are you talking about? Who are you?"

"My name is not important. I'm a hitman and your father hired me. That's all you need to know"

"My father?"

"Yes, he asked me to kill both of you. Her," he pointed at Inko's corpse. "for choosing to keep you instead of throwing you in a trash bin. And you, for being born quirkless and cause the problem in the first place."

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