Chaapter 18 Strongest Sage, Asked for a Magic Sword

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The one making clamor inside the store was a girl of around 14 year old with beautiful silver hair.
She's still negotiating with the storekeeper.... Or rather, the girl is hounding him even though he already said he can't.

I ignore the two and check out the swords in the store.
Every one of them is well made. Their average price is around 15-30 gold coins (about three times the first store's swords') but if we consider the quality, even 10 times of that is still fair.

However, even though the normal swords are fine, the magic swords are a rip off. They're asking 300 gold coins for one but the magic augment is way too sloppy.
Well, I'm gonna use a normal sword for the exam though. Considering my power right now--.

"The boy over there!"

The girl called out to me when I was checking the swords. Maybe I should have erased my presence.... No. They'd mistake me for a thief if I did that in a store.

"What is it?"

I dunno her reason to call me, but for now, let's respond.

"Can't you do magic augment or the like?"

Magic augment.... Don't tell me, this girl is thinking of asking someone she just happened to see to make a magic sword?
I'm neither this store's storekeeper or blacksmith y'know?

"Oy oy, don't go and bother my customer now...."

The storekeeper seems like he can't believe it too.

Now then. How should I answer her.
If it's of the same level as the magic sword in this store, then even me and my Fourth Crest can do it.
However, judging from the mood right now, I'm pretty sure the girl is definitely going to ask me to make a magic sword.

Normally I should pretend that I can't--however, the girl said that she was going to an exam tomorrow.
And the Second Royal School entrance exam I'm going to is for tomorrow.

In other words, this girl is a potential classmate of mine.
Which means, I should accept her request.
I don't want to be a loner like my past life.

"You said something about an exam tomorrow.... Is it about the Second Royal School exam?"

After thinking a bit, I responded her question with a question.

"That's right! But we got attacked by monsters on our way to the capital, and when Rulii used her sword to protect me, it was..."

"Her sword broke?"

Swords are fundamentally a weapon for attacking.
It's not unusual for it to break when you forcefully use it to guard.
That's why I'm here, to obtain a good sword.

"Un. And that's why I was gonna get her a new one but Rulii's sword was a very high-ranking magic sword, no one's selling it."

"So you're trying to make one yourself. Does it have to be magic sword? The swords here are quite well-made, should be enough to clinch the exam..."

"It looks like a normal sword, around this long and weight 300 gram. Could she?"

The girl spread her arms, showing a length that was clearly mismatched with the 300 gram weight.
"....There's no substitute for that magic sword indeed."

It's a magic sword that was referred as 『Lightweight Longsword』 in my past life.
They're extremely long and thin swords augmented with magic such as 【Toughening】 and 【Iron Slash】, they're reasonably strong and powerful so they were popular among magicians and swordsmen that favored extreme speed.

It would be difficult to replicate its ease of use with a normal sword. In other words, the swordsmanship her friend has trained up until now has been rendered useless. I don't think her friend could pass the exam.
It's possible to make the same sword with a special kind of metal, but it's not something that can be gotten in a short notice.... alright.

The strongest sage of disqualified crestWhere stories live. Discover now