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song for chapter :
"paper hearts" - tori kelly

prologue ;

Vanessa's POV

I was just walking around when I saw a cute little chubby boy with glasses sitting on the sidewalk, eating his chocolate ice cream all by himself.

"Hmm.. who is he?" I thought.

I decided to walk over to him, and sat right next to him. I looked at him and smiled, "Why hello, I've never really seen you here before. What's your name? I'm Vanessa Merrell!"

"Where are your parents? Why are you here all alone? Or is it because... you're a loner?" I asked playfully with a wider smile. But however, he still didn't say anything. He remained quiet, as he continued eating his ice cream.

"Oi! Come on, say something! Don't just ignore me like that! What's your name?" I pouted, but he still, didn't say anything as if like he was mute.

I didn't just give up though.

I was too curious to find out who he was.

I wanted to get to know him.

"Are you.. staying quiet because... you don't actually have a name?" I chuckled, and he was still, really, quiet.

Until I finally saw a man walk a few feet behind us and I heard him call, "Grayson! Grayson Dolan!" just as he had his eyes on the chubby boy beside me.

I turned my attention back to the boy, and he immediately turned his head after the man's voice call from behind. He smiled widely at the man and ran towards him, then looked back at me as I was also, still, staring at him.

"I'm Grayson Dolan! You can call me Grayson!" He suddenly shouted, smiling, putting me in shock and wonders.

"So he's not mute..?" I thought in my mind.

I smiled back at him and shouted, "Ohh okay! Grayson, Grayson Dolan! Alright, got it!"

He gave me a wider smile and waved as he held hands with the man, starting to walk away slowly. "Bye Vanessa!" He shouted once again. I giggled and waved back to him, "Bye Grayson!"

I smiled and thought to myself,

"He seems pretty interesting and... different."

It's been quite a long while since Gray and I had known each other and became best friends, even probably soulmates. And at the moment, it was the end of the last semester in middle school. Which basically means, it was obviously the end of us being middle schoolers.

I have to admit, these middle school years with getting the chance to know someone like Grayson was one of the best times of my entire life. We've been caring for each other, having lots of fun, and of course, making a bunch of memories.

However, I've heard from other people that when there's a meeting, then that means there would also be a separation. And I found out that, that is true.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 30, 2019 ⏰

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