chapter one : the gig

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Amelia or as she was nicknamed Lou was a very different person on stage than in real life. She had so much more confidence. On stage, she was almost cocky, smirking and loud as her. Off Stage she was shy, polite and very intelligent. 

She had stepped into the pub 10 minutes earlier and was currently helping the owner Vincent set up the stage. Vincent was an old friend of her pa and of one her friends grandfather. There was about five people in the pub most of them regulars that she saw when her band 'Jump' played once a month. The ringtone that was blaring out of her pocket broke her thoughts and she answered without hesitation.
"Hello?" she asked.
"Hellllooo,  Do we need to escort you to the place of gigging?" a shrill voice answered. She imminently knew who it was, Ezra pretending to be a posh old lady. this was a usual occurrence. 
"Well Ezra, I am already at the place of gigging," she answered in an obviously snobby high voice.
"Alright then. Toddaloo" Ezra answered then hung up. Lou laughed and then put her phone away going to help Vincent with the amp he was currently sliding across the floor. "Was that Ezra?" He asked shaking his head at Ezra's outlandish old lady ascent.

Two hours later Lou was standing on stage doing last minute adjustments to the mics as she made the occasional comment about something causing the others to laugh. Her last thought was how good the turnout was this evening. Without a minute to lose, Lou and her band launched into Helter Skelter. They all had either a smirk or smile on their faces as they played. They continued though the first set, one of which was more rock than the indie esque songs they played in their next set, though they were still rock of some sort. As they played the final, verse of Lacy Loo their last song. The band retreated off stage to the bar where Vincent was holding their usual drinks, a beer for Ezra the drummer for the band, and for Albus the rhythm guitarist and front man. Pipa the lead guitarist had a vodka and soda and finally a cider for Lou.
"Well done guys, Albus great job actually pulling off both Helter Skelter and Money Maker, Pipa well done finally getting the solo for Kiss with a Fist while singing it, Ezra mate your rhythm was spectacular and Lou vocals for Lacy loo and I Don't like You were better than usual I must admit as well as the harmonies girls, your great!" Vincent hyped. This was a usual routine that had begun years earlier when they first started playing.
"Well Vincent I think that your flattery is getting better, your our favourite hype man" Pipa said grabbing the man's hands and the others laughed along. They continued to talk until Lou felt a tap on her shoulder turning around she was met with the sight of an old face, Ben Hardy. Amelia and Ben had gone to university together back in the day. Even though they were friends to this day both had been busy with work and hadn't see each other in six months. The pair started to catch up, standing at a different part of the bar then Lou's band mates, until they both felt a heavy hand their shoulder. Turning to the source of the hands, they found Bens cast member and friend Joe Mazzello. "Well what is this? Ben has other friends," he said very much confusing Lou. 
"Oh Lou, this is one of the cast members for bohemian rhapsody, Joe" Ben said gesturing to the ginger still holding her shoulder. "Joe this is my friend from university, Amelia or as we call her Lou" he continued.
"Lou?" Joe asked confused as another face popped up behind him. 
"Lou?" the other man, who was a lot taller that Joe asked.
"It's short for my middle name which is Louisa," Amelia explained. 
"Oh Gwil, Meet Amelia nicknamed Lou. Lou meet Gwilym nicknamed Gwil," Ben quickly introduced. 
"I saw your performance, I must say that you did a great job," Gwil smiled.
"Thank you, thats very kind," Lou replied trying to stop herself from blushing. 
"Did you leave Lucy and Rami alone?" Joe turned to Gwilym. 
"Yes, I got sick of third wheeling." he answered patting Joe on the back.
The conversation kept flowing until Pipa tapped Lou on the shoulder. "Hey we're on in five minutes and Ezra just attempted to tune your bass," she said with a teasing smile.
"Oh shit. Well I have to go. Bye," with a small wave Lou dashed off to save her Bass.

The next hour went smooth enough. Lou was jazzed as they finished the final set, and hugs were given as they made their way to the tube they all took home, perks of living in the same apartment building. As they went to their separate apartment Lou and Pipa, her housemate said good night. As Amelia fell asleep, she knew that this was going to be a good weekend.




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adventures.of.amelia: Last night caught in action 
(📷:  benhardy)

135 comments|879 likes 


Lovely meeting you tonight
It was lovely meeting you too

And here on the left we have ANOTHER picture of
Lou and her bass 
And here on the right we have an arsehole 
Go bass girl!

Damn I missed you playing again
Bake me a cake and I'll call it even
Seven years later and Sam is still making you cakes 
Better me than you

As a fellow bassist I approve
Thanks John Deacon 

I raised you right Kiddo. Love you x
You definitely did Pa. Love you too xx

so this is the talented Amelia benhardy
You talk about me at work?
No comment 


I actually finished a chapter! Sorry for the amount of times I updated the summary & cast. 

Wattpad was playing up

Rosie Stars ✨

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