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It's been a mouth. I was sitting next to the window waiting for Kaname. He went out to do business. Ruka,Akatsuka,and Hanabusa is staying with us. Hmm...when will he come? I just realized that I'm acting like a little kid waiting for there family. I got up and put on a jacket because it was snowing outside. Ruka was with me and we were outside walking around.
Ruka-"lady Asuna, have u decided when the wedding will be?"
Ruka-"are u getting ready?"
Asuna-"yes, but I think I'm going to need some help. Yuki helping and I was wondering if you could help me as will?"
Ruka-"it would be a honor"
Ruka-"is your mom helping you as will?"
Asuna-"no, she doesn't care about the wedding anymore"
I was bored and I came up with a idea. I smiled and made a snowball and threw at her. I laugh and told her that we should have a snowball fight. At first she was hesitant but then she agreed. We were having fun that we didn't know that Kaname and the others where already here. We didn't notice when we heard a cough. We turn around and saw the others.
Asuna-"oh.....uh,hey guys. Want to do play snowball fight?"
Kaname-"we could love but right now we need to talk"
Asuna-"ok Kaname"
We went inside and we sat down at the living room. Kaname wanted to talk about the wedding. He was showing me all the options and what time it will be. We were also doing the guess invitations. To be honest it was boring the hell out of me. Two hours has passed and we managed to finish some stuff. Kaname has to do paper work so he went to his office and I was making tea for us. When it was done I grab a cup for Kaname. I was about to go when the maid brought in a letter address to me. I was confused about it because none of my family sends me letters. I looked to see who sent it but it had no name. I open it and I started to read it.
  "Dear Asuna,
You might be confused as who has send this. But don't worry, I only telling you that your life might be in danger. You might be thinking how is it in danger. There is a vampire that really loves you but when he found out that you are with Kaname, he was upset. He is after you Asuna, you better hide.
                With care
                       Secret person"
What? I was confused and scared. I drop the tea cup and looked at the letter more carefully. I didn't even care about the cup. I heard the door open and I turn to see Hanabusa and Akatsuka.
Hanabusa-"lady Asuna, are you ok?!"
Akatsuka-"what happened? You look scared"
Asuna-"uh, yea I'm find. Just.....something I remember"
I hid the letter in my pocket and bent down to pick up the broken glass. Hanabusa and Akatsuka stop me and started to pick it themselves. Kaname came in and was confused.
Kaname-"what happened?"
Asuna-"um...Kaname do u think I could talk to you privately"
He grab my hand and took me in his office. He looked at me and I told him. He was shocked and grab the letter from my hand he crumpled it up and had a angry face.
Kaname-"don't worry love. Nothing will happen to u"
He hugged me and I hugged him back. He laid us in the couch. I was embarrassed and he turn us over. I felt safe and some how I fell asleep.
~Kaname POV~
Asuna fell asleep and I got up. I pick her up and lay her down. I laid next to her. I was still thinking about the letter. Who send that? Don't tell me that we need to push the wedding more.   I stared at Asuna and hugged her. She will never be taken from me.

 She will never be taken from me

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Kaname-"love you Asuna"

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