PEOPLE that annoy me

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  • Dedicated to My friend. For showing me Wattpad. And loving me even with the insanity.

I love ranting. It so satisfying. Even if no one cares.

People who  think they're so cool. Well guess what. You're not as cool as you think. You're dumb for thinking bringing others down will make your life better. It doesn't. Are you a bully? Don't be.

 People who message you and are all like "I'm gonna review your story!" "I'm gonna send you this!" "I'm gonna comment!" and then they don't. Really? Just really.

People who like to mess with love lives. Not appreciated. Even if he did ask you to.

People who leave bubbles at the bottom of the sink it drives me crazy!!! It only takes like half a second to wash them down the drain!!!!!!!!! 

People who insult Lego characters because they have yellow skin. There is nothing wrong with that and at least it had buttons!!!!

People who act like they're better than everyone else just because they swear. Swearing is not cool. Then again, I'm from a religion where we believe that swearing is bad so i'm a little biased.




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