Chapter Five

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I woke up with a very bad hangover, I tried to roll in the bed but fell on the floor, ouch why did I sleep in a couch

"are u okay? " Jeff called prolly from the kitchen. The only thing stopping my head from exploding is the fact that I am "nowhere". Thats what Jeff referred to his house yesterday.

"yess... " I gathered all the stamina left in me to answer

" there is an aspirin on the stool love,  treat yourself" he shouted back and I lifted my head just to see the tablets and a bottle of water neatly kept.. just what I needed. After taking the hangover remedy, i looked down and I was in his Jersey, I have no idea how I got in it, It smelled of him, I hugged it tightly thinking about how it's become mine now, I got up and found my way out of the comfy duvet and walked in a drunk-bitch-style to the kitchen where I was welcomed by a chair.

" Good morning " I propped into the chair and Jeff turned his unshaven face to me

"Good morning Angel eyes" he said and handed me a mug of coffee. Again,  just what I needed. He sat on the table across me examining and eyeing me suspiciously.

"Uhm Jeff?  Nothing happened between us right?" I asked puzzled,  trying to make sure I didn't miss any of the events that happened last night.

He smiled sheepishly and went to the counter,  with his back facing me he asked
" I can't say, did something happ"

This time worries washed over my face as I start to recollect the memories of yesterday night. "Movies.. Popcorn... Movies...  Pizza... Shots... Movies... Cuddles... Kisses... "

"and? " he asked, still with his back to my face.

"and..." trying to recollect more activities will certainly burst my brain. I finally gave up and sighed

"and we slept on the couch" He finished, I could hear the smile in his voice

"You mean we just slept no ss... You know"

"nope unless you want it now..." he turned facing me and grinning  "on the kitchen table" he winked and licked his lips seductively.

"Go away" I threw a pizza box at him and he dodged

"Ms London called"

Oh My Gosh, I hope I'm not in trouble, I prayed silently as I try to recollect the events of yesterday, Jeff invited me to a home cooked Dinner in his house and we got drunk and stuff, but I could remember calling Ms London to cover for me at home, This is my first time sleeping over at someone's house, but it won't be a big deal since Both my parents and Ryan were not home, she just had to talk to the other employees and I'll be fine, My parents will never ask

"What did she say?  Why didn't you wake me Up?" I asked Jeff

" You looked so adorable in your sleep, I watched you like a sunset and couldn't bring myself to wake you up" he said smiling and I scoffed.

" it doesn't matter now "  I need to call home But,  maybe I would just sit here all day and watch this beautiful human cook all day

" do you want to help " he asked jokingly and I replied lazily

"I'd rather watch you do it, I'll pass"

"lazy ass" he smiled revealing his dimples.

Oh God, those killer dimples

"Babe can you freshen up before I finish up here, l have something to show you" he cuts into my reverie

"okaayy"i yawned but didn't move

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