Characters, and their backstories.

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  Name: Kai Age: 22 years old Race & Class: Elf Ranger

When she was just 7 years old Kai's mother took her for a walk in the forest, and told her that they were going to play a game. Kai hid in the trunk of a hollow tree and waited for her mom to find her, she waited for hours thinking that she'd done such a good job a hiding that her mom just couldn't find her. She roamed the forest until sunrise, but her mother had disappeared without a trace. She had been abandoned. Left to her own devices she learned to fend for herself, hunting and gathering, and building her own weapons. Kai was on her own until she was about 17, that's when she met Lucan and joined his band of criminals. She is skilled in archery, tracking, and hunting. 

Personality: Kai is an infectiously bubbly person; fiercely loyal and protective over Lucan. She considers him her brother. Though she is cute and funny, she takes pride in her homicidal tendencies and considers murder as sort of a hobby. She is remorseless when it comes to taking life. She does have one weakness though, being alone. Since she joined Lucan after being on her own for a decade, she has developed a dependency on his and the groups presence and friendships. She is terrified of being alone again.


Name: Ember Race: Kalashtar Age: 29 Abilities: Can speak telepathically to any creature, and has incredible combat skills. Eyes give a faint glow when observing things or feeling immense emotion.  -> white hair, milky white and grey eyes, very pale blue skin.

Backstory: Ember had a lovely, sheltered childhood with two parents whose love for each other was only rivaled by their love for her. They lived in a small home built by her father miles away from any village or civilization. When Ember was 17 years old their home was looted by a couple of savage orcs who had made friends with a warlock. She was sleeping soundly in her bed when they broke in, she stumbled tiredly into the her parents bedroom to find them threatening her parents. They had a devilish idea when they saw her. The warlock used an unthinkable spell to make the young Kalashtar do what ever they desired. He ordered her to slaughter both of her parents. Just before the blade in Ember's hand met her mothers throat, she telepathically whispered to her beloved daughter "It's alright, Emy. I love you."Her glowing eyes flooded with tears, her hands moved on their own, and she poke in her mother's mind one last time "I'm sorry, mama."The second her parents released their last breath the spell was no more, and through a murderous rage like she'd never felt before she turned her blade on the savages that had turned her life to ruin. 


 Name:  Taredd  Race & Class: Tiefling Elemental (earth powers)

He was abandoned by his parents when he was just a baby. They just left him in the woods for days until a family of humans found him and took him in. They raised him as their own even though he was obviously different from them. His earth manipulating powers came in early and it was quickly realized he was skilled in his craft. However, his so called were scared of his power and forbid him from ever using it. They hid him away in their house, forbidding him to ever go outside where the earth and mud are readily accessible. Overtime the basically forgot about him, always feeding him and making sure he was taken care of but never talking to him or giving him any attention. This made Taredd cold and distant, never really developing any sort of emotional attachment to other beings. One day he tried to go outside but was stopped by his family. Things go heated and he ended up killing them all in a fit of rage, but felt absolutely nothing for the loss of the people who raised him. What he found instead was a way to always get wants, just simply kill anyone who gets in his way. He felt no emotion towards them anyway so why not? He spent a few years just roaming the world, killing for no other reason then it was the easiest way to get what he wants. That is until he met Lucan and his group, Lucan taught him that some he is in fact capable of love of emotion. He was the first person to Taredd any kind of sympathy. So, it turns out tarred can feel loved at least for other killers that share the same fucked up past.


Name: Icarus Race&Class: Tiefling Blood Hunter Abilities: Forbidden magic user -->Blood Magic

Personality: Cold. Apathetic. Internally kind-hearted

Backstory: Born in a small village to impoverished parents. When he was 9 years old a group of monsters destroyed the village and everyone in their path. His parents hid him away in a safe place, and he waited there for hours. They never came to find him. When he finally emerged for his hiding spot, there was nothing left. There wasn't a single survivor. He began fending for himself, and a eventually was found by a band of criminals and joined their ranks. He was a quick learned and picked up the criminal craft like he was born to do it. He was happy with his lifestyle until his group ordered him to wipe out a village much like the one he grew up in, and in a fit of rage he slaughtered most of the group, including the leader. From then on he prefers to work alone.


Name: Tharr Race & Class: Half-orc Barbarian 

Personality: caring kind and best boy. Just a all around great person.  

 Backstory: Tharr was born to a orc mother and a human father. That's father died when he was a child but for what lack of father he had his mother made up for in taking over both roles. He had a extremely great childhood growing up in a small orc village where he learned to hunt and track and fight. His mother trained him as well as she could and taught him everything she knew. Eventually Tharr packed up all his belongings and set off on his journey with an axe his mother had made for him herself. Not long into his journey he ran into Icarus who was fighting creatures badly injured. Tharr stepped in and helped the Tiefling and offered to help him heal with a warm inviting smile. Icarus was hesitant at first of the half orc but soon the two warmed up to eachother and now Tharr acts as one of Icarus's anchors keeping him from completely slipping into the dark magic he practices. He loves and supports his edgy boy and will happily fight along side him.  

(Icarus' boyfriend.)


Author's Note:

If you have any addition questions about the characters, feel free to comment or message me about them. :) Enjoy!

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