Part Two: Kai & Ember Meet

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*Kai's POV*

The forest was quiet, apart from the deafening ringing in my ears and thumping in my head. The muscles in my body were screaming for me to rest, but after the massive battle my group and I had just faced I couldn't risk staying in the area and being found by Nemesis. I sure as hell wouldn't be lucky enough to make it out alive if I encountered him again. I'd been running for miles, and as I surveyed my surroundings, I decided it was okay to slow down. My brain began to flood with worried thoughts of Lucan, wondering if he and the others were alright. I knew Lucan could handle himself, but I'd never been away from him for longer than an hour since she joined his group. I was aware that it would take a couple of days to get back to them, and the though worried me.  And in the midst of my chaotic thoughts came a small sound just ahead. I stopped immediately, my eyes squinting and searching every inch in front of me. The snap of a twig sounded behind me and I whipped around, pulling a dagger out of my boot. Before I had a chance to use the dagger I was tackled to the ground. I landed violently on my back and as I opened my eyes I felt a blade pressing against the base of my throat. 

"And who might you be?" A smooth voice spoke just inches from my face. When my eyes landed on my attacker, I was awe struck. Her milky white and grey eyes bore into mine with a mischievous glint. Her long snowy white hair formed a curtain of sorts over me. I'd forgotten completely of the question she'd asked and of essentially anything outside of her. She was intoxicating, and I'd only just encountered her. "It's not very nice to ignore when you've been asked a question." She trailed the tip of the blade gently over my bottom lip.

"Uh, m-my name is Kai? Pardon me for not being polite but people don't usually greet me like this. And to be fair, you've just tackled me out of nowhere and now there is a dagger in my face, so that's just a tad intimidating." My lips spoke before I had fully recovered from my trance-like state. I tried to keep the sarcasm from my tone as best I could.

"I like to make a good first impression." Her pomegranate colored lips twisted into a small smirk. "Ember, that's my name. Nice to meet ya, Kai." And with that she hopped up in one smooth motion. She held her hand out to help me up, and I took it.  The way she said my name made an unfamiliar swirling feeling run wild in my stomach. 

"Oh, well fuck, believe me that was an interesting first impression. Still not sure if I should be afraid or impressed though." I laughed quietly, shaking my head. I wondered what the hell was happening. 

"Why not both, huh?" Ember winked, sliding her dagger back through the loop on her belt.

"Definitely both. But now I have a few questions to ask you, mysterious stranger." It was my turn to smirk this time, I leaned my back against the tree behind me.

"Can't promise I'll answer, but ask away." She raised a pale brow at me, but the small smile remained. 

"Is this a hobby of yours? Pinning helpless strangers to the ground until they give you their names?" I asked, eyeing her head-to-toe discreetly.

"I wouldn't necessarily call you helpless." With her bottom lip between her teeth, her eyes raked the length of my body.

"You look like you can hold your own when it comes to physical combat."

"That didn't answer my question. What are you doing out here?" I felt heat swarm in my cheeks as her eyes wandered over me.  Suddenly I heard her voice like a whisper inside my head, but her softly curled lips weren't moving.

"If I told you that I might have to kill you." There was humor present in her tone, but a part of me believed her.     

"How did you do that?" I stood up from my leaning position and stepped slightly closer to her. She rolled her pale, colorless eyes.

"I'm a Kalashtar, silly. My kind have mind link abilities. I can telepathically bond with other creatures and animals as well."

"Oh, duh. I knew that." I laughed, rubbing the back of my neck. And as a realization hit me, the light expression fell from my face.

"Shit." She whispered.  "What's the matter? Did you hear something?" Ember's eyes began to glow slightly as she looked around for any potential threats. 

"No. I lost my crew after an ass-kicking battle earlier. I was meaning to track them but they're likely long gone by now." I shook my head, running my fingers through my short crimson curls.

"Ah, I see. I can help with that. How many were there, and what were their races?" Ember crossed he arms, a determined look set on her features.  For a moment, I paused, wondering if I should trust her. She had just held a blade to my throat, but something in my gut was screaming at me to let her in. So, I did.

"Well, there are just two left. We lost someone in the fight. One is an elf, and the other is a tiefling." 

"Should be easy enough to find, those two races aren't usually found together." And with that she tilted her head back and closed her eyes. The seconds raced passed and I wondered what she was doing, and how this would help me find my family.  After what seemed like forever, but could only have been a moment or two I heard a loud screeching noise, and the leaves on the trees above began to shudder. A lighting bird, the first I had seen in years came landing smoothly by her side. The black and white hawk-like thing was nearly as tall as me as it sat down. I knelt down, preparing to grab my dagger again. I didn't know much about them but I knew that they had a taste for the blood of sentient creatures. But the massive thing didn't even seem to be interested in my presence, it seemed to be quite submissive to Ember. 

"What the fuck, Ember?" I whispered harshly.

"Trust me." She spoke in my mind without tearing her eyes from the creature. She was locked in a handful of moments of intense eye contact with it, and then it abruptly took flight, disappearing into the trees just as quickly as it came. 

"What the hell was that?" I asked, standing from my up from my protective crouch. 

"I told you, I have a telepathic bond with other creatures and animals. That lightning bird has far keener sight and smell than we do, I can guarantee you she will find your crew by dawn. Don't you worry your pretty little head about it." She stepped in front of me as she spoke, gently entangling her finger around one of my curls.

"I can't thank you enough." A wide smile broke out between my freckled cheeks. My shoulders sagged a bit, as if a physical weight was taken off my shoulders.

"You can thank me by hunting for something we can eat, and I'll set up camp here." The smirk on her lips was becoming familiar to me. 

"You've got yourself a deal." I held out my hand to shake hers, and she places her soft pale hand in mine. A peculiar thought popped into my head, telling me not to let go.

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