Bad Boy

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Chanyeol wanted to surprise his lover by coming home earlier tonight since he had been gone almost every day the past week. He felt bad because he wanted to spend more time with his baby, but he was drowning in work. Tonight, he managed to finish his work quickly and rushed out of the office the second he was done.

Chanyeol smiled to himself while driving back home. He was planning a little surprise trip to Hawaii, too, for his birthday (which was in a few months) and couldn't wait to tell him.

Once home, he noticed the house was rather silent and carefully walked up the stairs without making a sound. Maybe Baekhyun was sleeping, he thought. His smaller lover loved taking naps and since today was his free day, he could do it unapologetically.

Luckily his last two meetings got cancelled so he could come home immediately once he was done with some paperwork. He couldn't wait to spend the rest of the day together with Baekhyun to go at it like rabbits because all the work had given him enough pent-up sexual frustration to go for at least three rounds.

He could hear the shower running as soon as he was upstairs and decided there was no better way to surprise his boyfriend than giving him a good scare. So, he planned on joining him in the shower and already grinned imagining his shocked expression. Besides, he could use a steamy shower.

Loosening the tie around his neck, he entered their bedroom to strip himself off his clothes, only to come to halt when his eyes fell upon the bed.

To say it was a mess would be an understatement. The red sheets were all over the place, there was an opened bottle of lube lying next to the pillows and, what made him blink a couple of time in disbelief, a lubed up pink dildo sitting in the middle of the bed. The toy was leaving a serious stain in the fitted sheet, but it wasn't that that made irritation erupt inside of him.

The fact that Byun Baekhyun, his otherwise so obedient little boy, had touched himself using some pathetic toy without his permission inflamed him. Especially today, when he had gotten home earlier than intended to give him a treat. The mess only added fuel to the fire.

He heaved a heavy sigh and leaned against the doorpost, his eyebrows rising when he heard the shower stop running. Good, he thought as he stepped further into the room, ready to surprise his lover in another way. He listened carefully and crossed his arms when after a good minute he heard the bathroom door open and close. Baekhyun was humming, he heard, oblivious about what was waiting for him.

He was leaning against he cabinet across the bed as he eyed Baekhyun enter their bedroom with just a towel hiding his private parts and decided to make himself known by clearing his throat. He watched the smaller freeze with shock as he realised he wasn't alone.

"Aren't you going to clean up the mess you made?" Chanyeol asked, his voice dangerously low, and wanted to grin watching Baekhyun flinch before his eyes but maintained the stoic expression.



"Daddy... I-I... I can explain," Baekhyun quickly stuttered, stumbling over his words.

Chanyeol wasn't having any of it, despite the way his body reacted upon hearing that word roll off Baekhyun's tongue. "Did I tell you to explain?"


"Then do as I say, baby, and don't get on my nerves."

Swallowing thickly, Baekhyun shuffled over to the bed, feeling so very ashamed Chanyeol had caught him that he wanted to sink through the ground. His heart was beating wildly in his throat, knowing he won't get away from this one so easily. Authority was radiating off his tall lover, silently yet so loudly telling him he would probably end up limping the next day – that's if he would get anything at all. He knew Chanyeol usually punished him by leaving him hanging for days or sometimes weeks on end.

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