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Ha well if you wanted a story nah I'm shit at those. I wanna write you know man I have all those ideas but like nah. I can't for shit, as soon as I start typing it's like... gone.
So instead I thought I'd make this and complain, about insignificant issues.
Guess what's coming first! Writers block.

Do I have story ideas? Oh yeah, I'm a massive fan of BTS and I have all these ideas, and they would really work, but I can't write the. It's weird.
My friend asks me for help and I can go zoom,zoom,zoom and I'll give them some helpful ideas but writing my own nah.
Now personally the hardest part is the start, once you get going it's easy, especially if it's planned. But you rarely seem to plan the beginnings or do you?
I always feel like it's rushed. Like porn one moment they're like "you're my step brother" 10 seconds later they be fucking. Weird analogy especially if you don't watch porn (:
But like one moment it's all getting to know and then you're besties after talking for a couple minutes. Life ain't like that, at least from what I know.

Oh then you get like the info page. Do people make and info page at the beginning and forget about it?? Like damn, it says here my personality is "childish and innocent" but two chapters in I want to fuck every guy in sight! Over exaggeration but you get me. If my character is like this I want consistency people! Or at least realistic character development.
Then again I'm a hypocrite, still can't write for shit :'(

Aight, what's with the unrealistic story line, or AUs. Nothing against them but like when I read I wanna relate to my character (side not please tell me someone literally reads M/n or y/n rather than actually saying my name). When in Fuck would I ever win a ticket to spend a day with BTS huh? Or become a new member with some bullshit reason.
I want something good. Great example is um Namjoon x male! Reader by @flowerbirb
This person has a semi realistic build up, has real life issues, doesnt rush the story too much and (despite it being short) it still has some of the best development. It's relatable and immersive, wholesome.
Now AUs, it's kinda personal, if that's your thing go ahead, but sometimes it's like unrealistic because by having the AUs you make the real life characters lose their real life characteristics.
I'm reading it because I wanna imagine I'm getting with the really kind and cheerful Tom Holland, not some asshole with his face. That's just personal tho.

Back to the main point: writers block. I have planned over 50 stories to write. I've written none. Now I'm talking
Bts x male, knb x male, bnha x male, male x male. At least ten of each of those, I write out like a detailed plan in notes and then open Wattpad and poof. Ideas gone, plan seems to rough, can't start it for shit.
I hope this is semi relatable lol.
The middle part is easiest for me but still at times you just stop, poof. Ideas gone, can't write for shit.
Like what causes this, self confidence? Don't I think my writing is good enough? Stress? Has something happened that's taking up my thinking power?
It's stupid.
Don't misinterpret here, if real shit is going down, deal with it, real issues aren't laughing matters sometimes and need to be talked about. But other things like, did I finish the washing or is my homework good enough, why does that get in the way of writing?

Okay here's like an of the top extract for a plan I recently had. Kinda a beginning part.
(Gonna use the name Luciel for ease)

"Luciel performing his song Insecure now," the commentator says as a young man steps on stage.
As Luciel sets up the piano the commentator lists of some facts about the newest K-pop solo artist.
"Luciel only recently started singing under BigHit, but has grown popular quickly, due to his stark contrast to his companions BTS. According to fans he's 'emotionless' and 'never smiles'. BigHit also released a questionnaire video he made were he revealed he tends to get angry at himself and take it out on others, but if you actually get to know him he has a different side." The commentator died out as the male on stage sweeper his pastel pink hair out of his eyes and started playing.

Now, you guys can judge that and criticise it I don't really care. I'm not an expert but this way it introduces the character and the story in a way that doesn't just go "here's you, read". I know it's not really realistic, not everyone can be an idol, but it's not like I've made it so I'm suddenly inserted into BTS' lives.
Down the line the plan was to slowly have Luciel develop with BTS, explore his past in occasional flashbacks, and have a small emotional ending.

Real life isn't all big issues, yeah there are some, believe me I know. However these stories are stopping you from writing because you're not using realistic paths. There are other things of course but, this is my opinion, using your personal emotions and personal experiences to use as a character really helps the plot overall.
Also no shade to AU people and the "spend a day with BTS" people, some of your stories are the shit.

Here's some stories I've read that I think have perfect fundamentals as a story.
You don't have to read but give them a look,
Loser yoongi x male reader @-dejun
Angel yoongi x male reader @-dejun
Fly [bts x male reader] @hehoimibois (Depressing end)
Namjoon x male reader @flowerbirb
His boy yurio x male reader @YOItrash67

I've read these god knows how many times and they're amazing stories. The fundamentals can be bent and everyone gets writers block but these stories stuck in my memory lol.

Back to shit talking, relatability. Key for writing, no story is gonna be 100% relatable, nah lol. That's be some creepy shit. But you still wanna be able to be in the characters shoes. Stories that are immersive are the shit.
But it's so GoDdAmN hard to write them!!

I'm gonna be writing more insignificant complaints as well as maybe a story, if I get over my... wait for it...

Any questions or suggestions or complaints comment and I'll respond

Hope yall liked it if anyone read it



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⏰ Last updated: Feb 05, 2019 ⏰

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