Chapter 3

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It was early morning, the sun had yet to rise. Everything was still in a state of slumber, unwilling to be up at such a time. It was around then, that ungodly time when Bill Cipher woke up. He groggily blinked for a moment before looking down. Dipper slept on curled up under his arm. He was cuddled close to his father seeking any warmth he could find. With a small smile Bill, as gently as possible, tried to move Dipper. Crawling out of the bed he stood up he stretching his back until he heard the satisfactory sound of his bones cracking. Leaning down Bill pulled the blankets around Dipper. After being sure his son was fully covered in a blanket he stood up smiling. Turning around he walked out the of the room closing the door with a soft click.

Once Bill walked out of the room he was right by the stairs and proceeded to go down them. Once he had successfully climbed down the stairs without waking anyone up from the creaky steps Bill headed towards the kitchen. When he was close enough though Bill stopped in his tracks. He heard the sound of John and Amy's voices ringing through the room. It was then that a flood of memories from the events that happened the day before came back.

He angrily walked in and the talking stopped. They looked at Bill as he walked in, they had appeared frightened. All Bill could think was, 'good they should be."

"Remember that little talk I promised?" Bill said with a darkness echoing in his voice. The promise of pain and suffering was sensed in the small kitchen.

"Bill, please. We didn't mean it. We let our fear take over and said what shouldn't have even been a thought. We're sorry. Please, we are sorry." Amy said teary eyed, Bill sensed a feeling of truth coming from her. Even though he wanted to just rid the world of them he knew Stan and Mabel would not be happy. Besides Mabel was kinda growing on him. His anger was not gone, but he would not act on it. If not for him, then his son.

"It's not me should be apologizing to." He nearly hissed at them, instead, it came out as a dark demonic voice. It was the type of sound that if heard too long would cause your ears to bleed and lose all sanity.

"Please, let us make it up to him." They begged the demon before them.

"You have one last chance to fix this mess you made. You better not screw it up or so help me..."He threat his eyes glowing brightly. "You will not live to regret it." He would have continued had he not heard the pitter patter of small feet entered the room.

"Dad?" A quiet child's voice mumbled. Bill turned around to see his son standing there with a blanket wrapped around him. Something was off though, Dipper's face was flushed and he looked like he was sweating.

"What's wrong Pine Tree?" Bill asked walking over to Dipper. in a genuinely worried voice. Kneeling down he was able to get eye level with Dipper.

"I don't feel good," he mumbled half asleep. Bill raised his hand and gently felt Dippers head. It was then he realized Dipper was running a fever. Dipper's birth parents were surprised at the gentleness Bill showed towards Dipper.

"I think staying out in the rain made you sick Pine Tree," Bill said as he lifted Dipper into his arms. Giving Amy and John one last glare he walked out of the room. Bill gently pushed Dipper's head so he was laying against his shoulder. Walking into the living room Bill sat down on the couch with his son. Thinking, he soon began humming an old tune. This was always a tradition for them. Whenever Dipper got hurt or upset Bill would sit with his son until he was better or the fell asleep.

It was only a few minutes after Bill began his tune that Dipper fell back to sleep. Realizing he could not go anywhere Bill followed shortly after. The father and son sat curled up together on the recliner. They were happy together, just as it was meant to be.

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