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Author P.O.V
A lot of things happened over those two weeks... Like: Brooke coming back, Soo-Ann's birthday, Sung-Gyeong & Sang-Hwa's anniversary, Jin-Hee & Young-Gook getting engaged & Seok-Woo getting the letter... It was a stressful two weeks to say the least...

Seok-Woo P.O.V
I walked down to the station... As always I got teary... Just the memories... It's painful... Y/n's life was cut short... I continued to walk along not exactly sure of who I was looking for... I arrived at the place the letter said to meet this person... I stood for about 3 mins when a voice spoke behind me...
?: "Seok-Woo is that you?" I turned to see a girl... I looked closely... Addy?... We hug...
Seok-Woo: "It's good to see you." I said patting her back...
Addy: "Good to see you too." She smiles...
Seok-Woo: "What are you doing here?" She smiles weakly with tears...
Addy: "I might of not liked Y/n in the beginning but she saved us all... So I came over to see this place & thank her for her sacrifice." She says a few tears falling... I nod... "Well I've got to catch my train before I'm late picking Brittany up." She says with a smile...
Seok-Woo: "Brittany is coming to Busan?"
Addy: "Yeah for a week." She says smiling... "Well I need to go." I nod, she hugs me... Then she walks away... Hmm... Is she the one that wanted to me-
?: "Omo you came!" I turn... There stood a pretty woman... She ran at me & wrapped her arms around me... "I was scared you wouldn't come or it was the wrong person or I uh... I've missed you." She says sobbing into my neck...
I lightly push her off...
Seok-Woo: "I'm sorry who are you?" She gives me a sad face...
?: "It's me... It's..."

Don't y'all just love cliffhangers... This chapter is not done tho... Oh also I forgot to mention that Sung-Gyeong & Sang-Hwa's baby is called Felix...(The Kpop idol from Stray Kids...but obviously he's only 3...)

Sung-Gyeong P.O.V
I sat down with a cup of tea in hand... When Felix came in holding a picture...
Felix: "Look mummy its a picture of auntie Y/n." That name made me look at the picture... Brooke gave me this... It's a picture of Y/n 1 year before the infection... A tear falls from my eye... Felix hugs me... "Don't cry mummy I've got you." I smile...
Sung-Gyeong: "Thanks honey now go draw or play with your toys." He nods before running into his room... My smiles fades as I look back at the framed picture... I miss her... She was so kind & helpful... Tears roll down as I think about the best time we had on the train...

We sat at the back... Still laughing about Sang-Hwa's & Seok-Woo's argument about the babies name...
We sat there...
Y/n: "So what do you think for the babies name?" She asks smiling...
Sung-Gyeong: "I don't know what do you think?" I say with a smile...
Y/n: "Personally if it's a girl Jade & for a boy Felix." I nod... When we here Sang-Hwa & Seok-Woo starting to argue again... We both look at each other before bursting out with laughter...

*End Of Flashback*

Sang-Hwa grabbed me as I cried...
Sang-Hwa: "Shhh it's okay." He said as he cradled me & rocked me back & forth...

Life Isn't Fair~Train To Busan~Seok-Woo x Reader~{Book 2}Where stories live. Discover now