The Hunger Games from Rue's point of view.

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Hunger Games from Rue's Point of View. Part 1

This is my first ever post.... Be nice. I had to make up last- names and both names for some characters, sorry.

I woke up early on the morning of the reaping, everyone does I'm sure. It will be my first but my name will be in that glass ball so many times because I am the oldest child and have to get tesserae for the rest of my family. My Mummy, Daddy, and all of by brothers and sisters. I always give most of my meals to my youngest sister, Jasmine. She is only 2. I was the only one up in the old run-down house, So I quietly got myself a tiny portion of dried groosling and sat down to eat it. For once in my life I actually wasn't hungry, what a strange feeling it was. All of a sudden, Daddy woke up with a start because I had accidentally scraped the only chair we had, a little too loudly on the cold, stone floor. He saw me and slowly got out of bed. "How you feeling Rue?" He said with enthusiasm. I looked sadly at him willing myself not to cry, " Be strong, Be strong, You have to be strong", that voice inside my head chanted. I just shrugged. Daddy started getting breakfast for everyone else. On reaping day, harvesting ends at 10 o' clock. Then everyone in the district meets in the square for the ceremony at noon. Right now it would be around 5 o 'clock. We start work at 6.

After work, Mummy went into her cupboard and brought out a gorgeous pale green dress with embroidery. " This was my first reaping dress, Rue. I want you to wear it today."

"Ok, But I think it will be too big." I said

"Don't worry, we can fix it up. Try it on now."

The dress was stunning, It worked so well with my dark skin. It also fit perfectly. Jasmine came up and hugged me. I bet she had no idea what was even happening.

We walked into the square, where I was told to go stand in a pen with all the older 12 year old girls. I gave my family a hug and followed the guard. "Be brave, be brave." Said that voice inside my head again. It was time now, The member of the capitol had finished his speeches and was reaching his hand into the boy's sphere. " The male tribute from District 11 will be......Thresh Clawther. I gulped.

"The female tribute will be.... Rue Parsgrove. I was stunned. The world began to fade from my focus. I was going to die.

Part 2

Later, when Thresh and I were on the train, I was still crying. I would never win these games. Someone opened the door to my compartment, "Y-Y-Yes"? I Stammered without looking up.

"Hey, Rue, I know you're scared, I am too. I know neither of us will win-" I cried even harder. "-Rue, I will look after you in the arena- if you want..."

"N-N-NO, I'll O-O-Only bring you down faster." I looked up at Thresh.

"Ok then, But I will try and help you when I can." I smiled. Thresh came up and hugged me just as the dinner bell rang.

We had so much to eat for dinner, there was soup, bread rolls, steamed vegetables, fish, steak, fruit, noodles, spaghetti, anything you could imagine. I ate until I thought I would explode. I went back to my room and fell straight asleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 18, 2010 ⏰

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