So whatcha thinking kick winking. I swear this is a joke please I-
You stare off in an empty auditorium. As you step inside, the creaky wood of the doors slip shut. All light is sapped from the room as the doors click and settle in their rusted frames. Yummy.
Empty rows of seats go on and on, an endless sea of maroon cushions and stained carpeting. Before you continue in you adventure through the maze of seats, you drop down in a crouch. Your weight of you body bounces between the support of you knees as you lower you face to the ground. You pause, and take in a deep inhale of the rough flooring, smelling feet, sweet perfumes, and the remnants of popcorn. Then you brace yourself as your bleary eyes gaze into the soul of the shabby carpeting. The spot of grease and the mysterious dark stains edge you on. Your lips part enough to let your damp tongue to graze against the slimy grease and gunk compiled over the years. The taste of something so foreign impulses you, forcing a twisted moan out from the back of your throat. Before you can even realize what you're doing, you being to full-tongue the floor. You feel yourself getting dizzy, a strange high taking over. But something catches your attention.
The faint scent of paint fumes interrupts your passionate make out with the auditorium floor.
And then we all had a stroke and died.
Btw this is le me : Mercedes Benz
The Burning Fire
Historical Fictionhahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahhaahahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahhahahahhahhhahahhahahhahhahahahahahhaahhahhaahahhahaahhahahahhahahhah I'm a sweaty