Dimond Edge or where it all began

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"Goodbye carats we will see you tomorrow!" S.coups yelled "Hey Jihoon want to go get food with us?" Jeonghan asked him Jisoos Christ if S.coups or scoops goes with them he is probably going to take the advantage and make him his nooo this cannot happen "no thanks hyung I'm already going to go eat with the 96'ers." Wait what did he wait whattttt he just said that wow thank you lord jisoos for listening to me "so where are we goin Jihoon the guys just left so-"I was cut off by him "I only said that because I didn't want to go with S.coups I know he likes me as well as you do I heard your guys conversation." Wait what he heard us the bet we had to see if no it can't be I'm going to lose him forever now "Jihoon wait let me explain!" He just ignored me
Jihoon POV
I can't believe he and S.coups made a bet on me do they know that I don't like both of them "I'm going to sleep good night!" I said and then the door opened to reveal Soonyoung who was crying and I saw his eyes were puffy but he came closer and I closed my eyes and turned around "Jihoon don't pretend I didn't see look I'm sorry if I made you feel bad." "No hyung you both think I'm an object to win but I'm not so leave now."
Hoshi POV
Once he said that my heart and everything was in pain emotional pain I started crying harder that I could feel the pain from my puffy eyes and I just ran out of Jihoon's room "Can I get a shot of anything?" I asked and the bartender gave me something so I drank it and after 2 of them I went back home slightly drunk and when I got there I sat on the couch and fell asleep
Next morning (Woozi POV)
I woke up to get water and I saw Soonyoung asleep but there were tears still flowing down his face and then I heard him say this "Jihoon I'm sorry I love you and I didn't mean to do this to you please forgive me." So this is what he is thinking or dreaming about "Soonyoung wake up." I said softly so I wouldn't wake everyone else up until "Jihoon just give up you will never love him I know you love me more so date me." S.coups really just said that "hmmmn Jihoon are you ok?" Shit "Yeah Soonyoung just-" shit why me get your hands off of me and lips too S.coups
Soonyoung POV
"No no no Jihoon why you woke me up to see this...I HATE YOU BOTH AS WELL AS THE OTHERS!!!" And the I just ran off into my room and locked my self up there crying until I found my old razor "I can possibly use this again?" I said softly so I used it again and then I grabbed my jacket and covered the cuts up and went downstairs past the guys until I felt a hand on my wrist I cut but I couldn't feel the pain since I was used to it "Hyung where are you going?" "Oh Dino I'm just going to the cafe to get coffee for myself so bye!" After that I ran outside and walked into the cafe
Dino POV
"I'm going to my room." Actually I'm not I'm going to Soonyoung's room once I was in I found a razor in this room and it was clean I guess he needs it but wait is he no he can't he stopped cutting himself years ago did he start again "Dino why are you in here?" "I'm just getting something I forgot." I'm taking this razor with me and asking him why he still has it

Hello my pretties or how do guys want to be called but this is my first fanfic so sorry for bad story telling and I'm also working on the 2nd chapter of this spoiler there is a lot of drama Auothor-nim out!❤️

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