◇|•Fighter - What she does•|◇

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If she meets you:

She will try to attack you

She will realize you're not going to hurt her and she'll lay off

She will try to act cool around you

But if you get hurt she showers you in hugs and kisses (AS BEST FRIENDS)

She tries not to show her soft side

When she does she runs to a corner and turns into a rock


If you meet her:

Approach slowly

She can sense fear

Choose your words wisely when
introducing yourself

Don't pose a threat until you know her well enough to joke around

If she chases you. . .run and pray to god you live to see another day (unless she's teasing you)

If she's teasing you, stay still, don't blink, don't even breathe

Just. Stand. There.


If someone's attacking her:

She'll put up her fists

If they don't get scared she'll try to out-run them

If she can't get away then she calls her friends

If they feel like being jack-asses that day she'll call the police

If they take her phone and smash it (for who knows how much that has happened) she'll pull out her switchblade

If that doesn't work she'll run

Just straight up run


If she's sad:

She'll hide

She'll binge

She'll stare at you until you leave her alone

If you don't leave the room she's in she'll throw her switchblade or whatever she can get her hands on at you

If you still don't leave. . .

. . .you're on your own 😂


If she's mad:

There's nothing to say here

Just don't try to talk to her for a week

Part 3 coming soon!


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