Chapter 4

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Akiko did quick hand signs. "Water style: ripping torrent justu!" She screamed and disovled the sand around her before the sand could crush her. She jumped away and land 10 feet away from Gaara.

"What are you doing?! Why'd you do that?!" She asks, not wanting to believe this person who she can relate to tried to kill her like the others.

"I-I'm sorry. I t-tried to stop him. I'm so sorry, Akiko." Gaara said, pounding on the side of his head.

Akiko grabbed his tight fist and held it in both hands. He looked up at her with sorrowful eyes but an emotionless face. "Its alright. I understand. Please, don't beat yourself up over it. I don't blame you. Your beast needs to learn some manners. What would his mother say if she found out he were acting this way?" She says sternly.

"She'd beat the crap out of me. You do NOT want to get on her bad side." Shukaku said to Gaara. He smiled amused at what his beast said and that he was actually scared of his mother.

"He's scared of her." Gaara said to Akiko.

"Traitor!" Shukaku yelled.

Akiko laughed out loud. But then her laugh ended. "I wonder what my mom would do." She says thoughtful. "I met her once, but at the time I died, so I didn't get to have a very long conversation." She added.

"You died?" Gaara asked.

"Hmm? Crap! I have got to stop speaking my thoughts! Anyway, yeah I died. We were on a C-ranked mission which turned into an A-rank. Zabuza drowned me in a water prison justu. But now, he's like my over protective brother. Anyway, I died and saw my mother. She was murdered right after child birth. She scolded me for dying and being reckless. Praised me for not betraying the leaf. Then we had a good laugh and I was sent back to life, thanks to my father. I guess she is a lot like me, in some sense at least." She says with a smile.

Gaara smiled that she was smiling before standing up. "You should propably go. Don't want you to lose so much sleep." He said, holding out a hand for her to grab.

She grabbed it and pulled herself up. "Thanks. What about you? You getting some shut eye tonight or you gonna stay awake?" She asks.

"Stay awake. Don't really like sleeping to much." Gaara says casually.

"Okay. Good night Gaara. It was nice talking to you. I'm glad I called Sakura a deformed pig. Otherwise, we wouldn't have met." She says and walks away.

"Deformed pig?" Gaara asks confused.

"Don't asks me! I have no idea what she's talking about! She's crazy like you!" Shukaku yells in his head.

"No one asked you, crazy rat." Gaara said rolling his eyes.

"Rat?! Who you calling rat?!" He yells.

"Fine. You're an over grown racoon." He says sighing.



Akiko sat on the roof of the academy building. She looked up at the clouds and let out a sigh. She remembered when she had first started cloud watching. 


Six year old Akiko was covered in blood and bruises. She had just finished her training with Menma and was laying in a field full of wild flowers. She breathed heavily as she stared at the clouds in the sky. They made different shapes but she didn't know what they looked like since she hasn't seen a lot of anything, but some things did look familiar. She saw some kunai and shuriken shaped clouds and some looked like eyes. She tried. To imagine if this was what it felt like to be at peace. She never really looked at the sky, only to see what time of day it was.
"Breaks up! Let's get moving! I smelt an unfamiliar scent not to far away! We need to move! Now!" Menma barked at Akiko. She got up quickly and they ran as fast as they could in the other direction. They stopped and realized they were outsmarted and were being trapped like mice.
"An ambush! What do we do?" Akiko whispers to Mensa but sees that he has already disappeared. "Thanks a lot." She says and gets ready to attack when she sees one mans headband. It had a weird swirly eye on it that kind resembled a leaf. The man that was wearing the headband was smoking a cigarette. She growled and the man looked back at the others.
"Its just a kid." He says. "We can't leave her alone in the woods. What if she's attacked or something. Let's take her to the village." He says and the others nod. "What's your name, child?" He asks.
She backs up and runs as fast as she could in the other direction. She's able to lose them by jumping in the river and holding her breath as they run past. She gets out of the water and runs the other way and soon comes to another meadow like the others. She flops down and looks up at the clouds. "That one looks like a leaf." She says to herself.

Flashback over

"Excuse me, but you're in my spot." A guy with a pinaple haircut said to Akiko. She looked up and stood up quickly.

There were four people standing in front of her. Pinaple guy, a girl with blonde hair in a high ponytail, a chubby boy eating chips with swirls on his cheeks, and the exact same guy who tried to bring her back here all those years ago smoking a cigarette.

"Sorry, I'll be going now." She says and goes to leave when the man speaks.

"This is Shikamaru, Choji, and Ino. I'm Asuma. Do I know you from somewhere? You seem really familiar." He trails off.

"What are you talking about Asuma-Sensei? She is the wolf girl. Everyone's talking about how she grew up in the forest and how she brought a very dangerous criminal to come to the village to live here." Chubby boy says.

"So what? He was really nice to me." Akiko says defensively.

"I heard he drowned her to death but Kakashi-Sensei was able to revive her." He continues ignoring Akiko.

"Well, we were enemies then. He changed." She says getting annoyed.

"I heard she got in front of Kakashi-Sensei's chidori to save the enemy from dying. Although, I don't understand how you're not dead." Ponytail says crossing her arms.

"I was revived by my friendish... Friend?" Akiko says unsure what to call Inukimi.

"You don't seem so sure." Pinaple says skeptical.

"Well, I don't know what to call her. I'm not sure if she my friend. Where is she anyway? Inukimi! Where are you?!" She yells out.

"Right here, mistress." Inukimi appears bowing in front of her. "What do you whish I do?" She asks as she stands straight up.

"Are you my friend?" She asks.

Inukimi was off gaurd for a second but regained composure and bowed her head. "I'm anything you wish me to be." She says.

"I really wish you didn't do that. Its really weirding me out. I'm not used to being treated like this." Akiko moaned as she grabbed Inukimis shoulders and tried to make her slouch a little but didn't even move a strand of hair.

"I'm sorry, mistress. But, this is how I am." Inukimi says kindly as she moved her shoulders down a little and bent her knees and hunched her back.

"Yeah, don't do that. Its even creepier." Akiko says.

"Why does she call you mistress?" Asuma asks.

"Because, she is my mistress and I help her. And she helps me, in a special way." Inukimi whispers the last part but Shikamaru heard since he was the closest to her and gave her a skeptical glare.

"Whatever. I gotta go. Come on Inukimi, let's go bug Zabuza and Haku." Akiko says.

"Zabuza, demon of the hidden mist?! That's who you are friends with?!" Asuma cried out alarmed.

"Who's that?" Ino asks.

"He is the most deadly assassin in the Land of Fire. He killed over a hundred students before he became genin." Asuma says worried about Akiko.

"Yeah, and he is the best Cow Man in the history of Cow Men! Bye!" Akiko says and jumps off the building.

"Cow man?" Shikamaru asks.

"Don't even ask." Inukimi says and follows Akiko.

"That was a really weird conversation." Ino says.

"I know I've met her before." Asuma says to himself. Shikamaru glances at his Sensei before looking up at the clouds with a sigh.

"What a drag."


1441 words

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