Jhope's Birthday!!

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[since it's almost hobi's birthday, I decided to make an early celebration chapter for him and another special chapter on his real bday! The special chapter will be when they do the cool stuff and like go out this is just greetings]
Jin: happy birthday Hoseok!
Jimin: Yeah happy bday
Suga: I woke up just to say happy birthday
Namjoon: to our dear friend, happy birthday!!!
Jungkook: happy bday fellow child
Jin: *wipes tear* he's not a child anymore
Jhope: thanks guys, BUT WDYM BY IM NOT A CHILD ANYMORE????
Taehyung: wait you forgot me happy bday
Jhope: oh thxxx
Jin: to honor his bday, today will be all about him!!! Where do you wanna go? The theme park? Go get ice cream? Buy a new stuffed toy? It's up to you!!
Jhope: I wanna do everything above
Jin: oh gosh anyone have extra cash?
Namjoon: I do. It's his birthday treat!
Jhope: thanks Joonie
Jhope: Sorry for Calling your joke ded
Namjoon: it's fine

AUTHORS NOTE: oh wow two chapters in one day in a row im on a roll!

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