114 Mao Ye, You Traitor

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Colorful lights pulsating with the beat of the music, packed bodies with sweat beading like glitter over their skin.

At three in the morning, the people enjoying the nightclubs of Shanghai were still brimming with energy.

Liu Jun hid a smile as he looked at the drunk girl dancing in the middle of the dance floor, her black hair plastered across her forehead.

Her eyes shone with exhilaration, her body moving in a sinuous harmony with the music.

Liu Jun laughed when she did a dance off with a female foreigner, unabashedly waving her arms as the music switched to a more amorous song. She swung her head aggressively, and nearly whipped the face of the person next to her.

"Go, Mao Ye!" shouted Liu Jun, clutching his stomach as he dissolved into a fit of laughter.

Then he abruptly became sober when a man moved subtly behind her, his hands already reaching for her hips.

"Hey!" Abandoning his bottle of beer that he had yet to drink, Liu Jun hopped off the bar stool and went forward to block him.

But before he could, the man had already disappeared.

Liu Jun frowned. He searched the crowd, and saw a glimpse of the man that was about to take advantage of Mao Ye. He was being escorted by two burly men, his elbows locked on each side to prevent him from escaping.

This scene had already happened for the fifth time, enough to make Liu Jun feel uncomfortable. He found that every time someone of the opposite gender got close to Mao Ye, a pair of burly men would immediately remove him. If he didn't know any better, he would have thought that these men were Mao Ye's bodyguards.

But Liu Jun quickly returned his attention back to Mao Ye. She was a beautiful girl, especially with her being so vulnerable like this. Most of the men eyeing her on this nightclub had known beforehand that the two of them came together, but five men still had the guts to ignore this unspoken rule and aim for Mao Ye.

Liu Jun picked up the beer that he left on the bar and gazed contemplatively at Mao Ye.

Silky and long black hair, sparkling eyes, red lips, and skin as smooth as jade. She even had the ideal height and weight most Asian women in the 21st century dreamed of, which Liu Jun found out only after he helped her shop for some appropriate dance wear. There were a lot of women who could acquire that kind of beauty through plastic surgery, but Mao Ye had obtained it so easily.

Liu Jun laughed again.

Which was why it was such a pity that this kind of ideal Oriental beauty was currently dancing like a lunatic.

"Mao Ye, like this!"

He walked in front of her and tried to grab her arms, but she shook him off and continued her version of imitating a traffic enforcer. As the music changed, she did some robotic dance moves, yet only succeeded on appearing like she was having a seizure instead.

Liu Jun gave up.

Just as he was about to return from his position of observing her from the bar, Hui Yin suddenly grabbed his clothes and shouted loudly, "LIU JUN!"

Like a lit match being dropped into a dense forest, the name spread like wildfire inside the nightclub.

"Did she say...Liu Jun?"

"Is that guy Liu Jun?"

"OMG, it is! Look at the silver hair!"




And as the fans that were present in the nightclub congregated around them, their chants began to get louder and louder, drowning out the music.




Liu Jun gulped as his fans drove him into a corner. He shot Hui Yin a glare, but she only responded to him with a drunken smile. At any other time he would have found it cute, but right now it just added to his annoyance.

"Mao Ye, you..."

Before he could finish his sentence, he heard his name being called out. Liu Jun glanced at the DJ booth, and the man there waved at him to cover over.

"Shit." Liu Jun took off his mask, and the screams grew louder. The crowd paved a path for him, and the DJ gave him a microphone. Left with no choice, he began to sing one of his more popular pop songs.

Mao Ye, you traitor. I'll get back at you for this.

Unaware that her friend, the former Lao Hao Ren, had gone over to the dark side, the giggling Hui Yin continued dancing like a beheaded chicken.

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