When you go to Iridum High for your first day of school

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You are going to Iridum high for your first day and you already had your schedule. You were going to your first class. You never had friends when you were at your other school. So you are hoping to make some friends. You walked into your first class. The teacher says "Hi are you the new student?" You say "Yes i am the new student." The teacher says "Everyone track me please." You see all the students look at you and the teacher. The teacher says "This is (Y/N) (L/N) and she is the new student." You see all of them look away from you and you look down. The teacher says "Take a seat where ever you want." You go to the back of the room and sit in the back. You feel someone put their hand on your shoulder and you look over and you see a guy with brown hair and brown hair. He says "Don't worry they are just not used to getting new students. I'm Daniel." Daniel holds out his hand for you to shake. You shake his hand and you say "I'm (Y/N)." Daniel says "I can tell we will be good friends." You say "I hope so." You and Daniel track the teacher and start learning a new lesson.

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