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Sharun, Harshita, Vaibhav, Fahad and Anamika; five friends came together to do something good, something no one had ever done before.

All of them met at Harshita's home. They all sat around a table.

'There was a great idea by a shoe manufacturing company. They started using  plastic bottles to manufacture shoes. They reused them so, I was thinking about doing the same. We'll reuse plastic and we'll make artifacts.'     said Sharun

Everyone looked at each other's faces. They were wondering about the possibility of Sharun' s plan.

'Me and Sharun did some homework and we found that, we need atleast ten thousand rupees to work out this plan.'   said Harshita

'But, what's the plan? You said you were going to do something good and I said I'm in. But the plan?'      asked  Vaibhav

'The plan is divided into three Collect, Rebuild and Distribute. We'll collect plastic bottles, cans and other items. Stage two is, we will use them to build some artifacts and in the end, we'll distribute them.'         said Sharun

Sharun cont'd      'Let's start with a simple Christmas tree. To make a 5 foot tall tree, we need approximately 57 bottles, two long plastic pipes and a wooden block for its base.'

Except Harshita and Sharun, everyone had doubts. They weren't ready for this.

'What if we fail? What if it doesn't work  the way we planned?'    asked Fahad

'Yeah, what will we do then?'   Anamika had the same doubt.

'What if we don't fail? Why are you thinking about failure?'   asked Sharun

'And if we fail, all we have to do is, take care of the junk. There's no loss'      Harshita supported Sharun.

Finally, Sharun and Harshita convinced the others to work with them. After explaining their plan again, they all distributed the work among themselves.

Within a day, Vaibhav, Anamika and Fahad collected one hundred and twenty one plastic bottles. Sharun and Harshita brought pipes. Sharun and Harshita are creative people so, they worked on the Christmas tree and others, helped them.

They stickied together two pipes, to make a strong body. They sticked plastic bottles around the pipe. On top, they placed a bottle, vertically and the other bottles were sticked to the stick, with a light bulb in them.
After a week's hard work and three failed attempts, the Christmas tree was ready.
They paid five hundred rupees to a shopkeeper and asked him to keep their tree in his shop. People who visited the shop, never noticed the tree. Many thought, it was a piece of junk. But on third day, when a group of art student were passing by the shop, they noticed that tree. The students went to the shop and asked the details about the maker, to the shopkeeper. The shopkeer gave Sharun's contact number to them.

Later that day, the students contacted Sharun. The came to Sharun's house and met him. Sharun shared his idea with them and they agreed to help him. With the help of the art students, Sharun and his friends made many more artifacts. They made a dog, a robot and many more artifacts.

One day, a gallerist came to meet them. The gallerist gave them few tips on how they can improve their work. He then gave his visiting card to them and said that he was fascinated by their work and was interested in displaying their artifacts in his gallery.

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